Closing out a Friday

Exhausting full day, another Friday turn-around shift, starting with an early Dr Nichta session, leaving me longing for a return to the psychological writings of Jung.  Today’s session was powerful, yet still processing, need to do some reading before putting something together. Doctor introduced the influence of my imagination, an intuitive approach to life opposing my natural personality trait of sensory, a concrete approach to life, logical and through the senses.  Feet firmly planted on the ground, I must be in order to establish stability.  Stout upon a sound foundation, I can pursue and soar.  My imagination is my weaker tendency, yet I have an active, willing to take command, sense of imagination.  My thoughts are easily seduced into imaginative fantasies.  Unreined, it can be destructive.  It is what kept me drinking, allowing fear to dominate, imagining the worst of scenarios, running crazy in possibilities.  Yet now as a burgeoning maturity and confidence firmly plants my feet upon the ground, I am intrigued by the possibility of bringing my imagination under control, allowing it to blossom as never before, while maintaining my conviction to the contemplative life.  Jung declares strengthening the weaker aspects of our personality produces the transformation leading to an individual heightened capacity, a psychic change.  I vaguely recall Jung commenting that one cannot understand his work until one is older.  Conceptually, someone younger can comprehend his writing, yet it could never ignite a spiritual transformation.  Eucharist adoring, knowing who I am and who I am not, the clarity I am experiencing during mass, within prayer, at all times in the presence of God, is astounding.  Enough!  Time for sleep.  Mass and prayers today with the Mercedarians.  A rock-n-roll movie in the evening, The Band’s ‘Last Waltz’ directed by Martin Scorsese.  I enjoyed it, while detached.  More thoughts on that will be explored this weekend. Looking forward to a wonderful weekend, including visiting three religious communities as a part of the Diocese pilgrimage program promoting the support of the consecrated life on Sunday.


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