Spiritual direction

Home from work, preparing for sleep, I thought about the sadness during lunch at Vicinato’s while working.  Advancing in recovery, enveloped within proper confidence, focused upon the hospice—so much more than volunteer work, answering a call, assured and assertive in discernment, moving forward without bitterness, regret, or any negativity whatsoever, I think my time with Dr. Nichta is complete.  We accomplished a lot in regards to furthering self-knowledge.  His voice remains a fixture, although I am going to pull away.  I have an appointment in three weeks.  I allow the date to approach with an open mind and heart, yet a conviction soundly forms within my disposition.  I am always willing to be wrong, a lesson from Dr Nichta.  Self-reliant, remaining honest, open, and willing to the voice and opinions of others, I mature in direction, an inner-strength forming, allowing clarity, understanding, and less of a need for counseling regarding personal matters.  Spiritual direction becomes forefront.  Father Roger emerges in greater focus.  My eye is closely upon him, my prayers aimed in his direction.  He is a man who cannot help but speak words of God.  His humility, shyness, ability to be present without the need to demand attention or resort to words, his unassuming manner, neutralizes pride.  Through time and exposure, his intelligence and holiness radiates the light of mature authentic practiced faith, a priest touched by the Holy Spirit.


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