
Omnipotent being, existing,
As it was in the beginning, it is now and forever shall be,
Eternal love, omnipresence,
Nothing more, nothing less,
Forget predilections,
Forget pretending,
Forget premeditation,
Undo the doing,
We are a part,
Image and likeness,
Revealing, unpeeling,
I stand, born anew within a moment,
Obliterating extravagant perception,
Firm footing,
Head in the clouds,
Sun setting,
Moon reflecting,
A distant star light reaching,
Moving through time,
Not looking back,
Not looking forward,
Still in breath,
While sinking beneath stillness,
Tired of attempts,
Wearied within strength,
Lower in being, opaque,
Mystical beyond teaching,
Mystical beyond empirical,
Mystical beyond morality,
Not to abolish the law,
Too fulfill, too satiate,
Quiet to being quiet,
Silent within my own silence,
Nearly asleep, awake,
Prayer not an event,
Being exsitence,
Alive to life within death, divine experience,
Mysteries playing far away from sense,
Knowing not who I am,
Knowing who I am not,
Patient to arrive,
Passive without regret,
Hints and whispers within an overwhelming longing,
A spiritual hunter and gatherer,
A survivor,
Knocked off my feet,
On to my knees,
Fortitude, perseverance,
A tear trailing joy,
Ideas immersed away from memory and imagination,
Unafraid, embracing bad poetry,
Needing poetry not, in jest,
Laughing at myself,
Laughing with a man leading a dog named Caesar,
Homer, Virgil, and Dante great men from the past,
Smiling upside down,
Content within littleness,
Spiritual poverty,
Riches enough.


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