Listening with patience

St Peter of Alcantara ‘Treatise on Prayer and Meditation’

Strain not after tears, strive not for sentiments of devotion, do not force your heart.  Rest rather in interior solitude.  Dwell therein quietly, waiting until God’s will be accomplished in you.  When it shall please him to send you tears, oh, how sweet will those tears be, for is not your impatience that has secured them: they are the fruits of humility and of peace.  On your part, then, you must receive them with the deepest self-effacement, allowing God to work in you.  Note well, that if ever you fancy this desire or the securing of these affections to be in any measure due to yourself, you will infallibly expose yourself to the losing of them.

If you wish, in all sincerity, to advance along this way (the path of perfection) and reach the goal you have proposed to yourself, have no other intention and no other desire than that of seeking God.  Whenever you meet Him and he shows Himself to you, quit there all the rest, and advance no further tail He allows you.

Canticle of Canticles

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the hinds of the field, that you stir not up nor awaken love until it please.

One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was lying close to the breast of Jesus

Gospel of John



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