Forward in fortitude

Yesterday during Mass, it became evident separating from St Paul Shrine will be monumental.  The last two years of intense grace occurred associated with the Church.  Moving to first shift will no longer allow attendance of daily Mass with the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration.  I have decided to write them a letter, addressing matters to Mother Superior, seeking prayers.  The sisters have spiritually penetrated my heart.  A one-on-one meeting with Sister Mary Thomas will be pursued.  The bond with the rescuer will be further annihilated.  With respect to ongoing maturity within recovery, the situation is viewed as an uplifting transition, an opportunity for emotional restraint and growth.  In honor and glory of all that has taken place, I move forward confident God will open new doors, places of worship presented, allowing continued dedication to the Eucharist.  It has been months since I populated the Friday Holy Hour and Divine Office evening prayer session at the Benedictine monastery.  There are other homes of Christ, Catholic Churches, presenting themselves.  Sunday worship will still be anchored at St Paul Shrine.   Interestingly and lovingly, driving away from the new employer, I discovered a Church only blocks away.  St Mary’s of Collinwood, a Slovenian Church, tying in nicely with the biography ‘Our Lady’s Knight’, the story of a Slovenian family.  Every Thursday, the Church exposes the Eucharist for Adoration.  The day before I start a new chapter in my life, the parish will celebrate their summer picnic.  It appears to be a marvelous and expressive event.  The significant other always willing to fully engage.  God is good and all giving.

Words of Leo Lovasik in a letter he wrote to his brother, presented in his biography written by his brother Father Lawrence Lovasik.

“Untutored as I have been, I never forgot those Two, so dear to my heart.  Who, I knew, were waiting for me with welcoming arms.  These were none other than Jesus and Mary, to Whom I now owe my deepest gratitude for my restoration. Restoration indeed, because once in past years, I had that desire to become a priest, and as time went on, I became careless.  And what was the result?  It was my failure in everything I did.  I left the main road to Christ’s vineyard to take a side road, which ended with a dead-end sign.  Where was I to go next?  Could I force my way through this dead-end obstruction?  I saw that it was impossible, so I just sat there for nearly two years, waiting for something to happen….



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