
We have a God who is infinitely gracious and knows all our wants.  I always thought that he would reduce you to extremity.  He will come in His own time, and when you least expect it.  Hope in Him more than ever; thank Him with me for the favors he does you, particularly for the fortitude and patience which he gives you in your afflictions.  It is a plain mark of the care He takes of you.  Comfort yourself, then, with Him, and give thanks for all.  –Brother Lawrence ‘The Practice of the Presence of God’

Extremity:  The extreme or terminal point, limits, or part of something; a condition or circumstance of extreme need or distress; to suffer the extremities of being poor; extreme nature or character.  The utmost or any extreme degree: the extremity of joy; an extreme or extraordinary measure, act—to go to any extremity to feed the children.

A blog to consider: The Cloistered Heart.



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