Imitating the Master

On the contrary, silence produces two admirable of facts, which teaches us how to speak well.  The first is, to forget all the language the world had taught us—a circumstance which is as necessary for us, in order to speak well, as it is for one that pretends to be master of any science to abandon of faults maxims he had already learned.  The second effect is, that long silence gives us time to learn how to speak; it gives us leisure—to observe the most accomplished in this science—there manner, their deliberation, their sweetness; and also their gravity and prudence, that we may form ourselves on those models.  An apprentice observes how his master works, thereby to conform himself, and to become afterwards master of his trade; so we ought continually two hearken to the best masters in the art of speaking, and endeavor to imitate them as much as we are able.


“I have more impediment and slowness of tongue,” said Moses to God, “ever since you were pleased to speak to me.”  –St Alphonsus Rodriguez ‘The Practice of Christian & Religious Perfection II’


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