Smooth and steady: a mindset of fortitude and proper determination

It must be carefully noted—and I say this because I know it by experience—that the soul which begins to walk resolutely in the way of mental prayer and can persuade itself to set little store by consolations and tenderness in devotion, and neither to be elated when the Lord gives them, nor disconsolate when He withholds them, has already traveled a great part of His journey.  However often he may stumble he need not fear a relapse, for his building has begun on a firm foundation.  Yes, love for God does not consist in shedding tears, in enjoying those consolations and that tenderness which for the most part we desire and in which we find comfort, but in serving Him with righteousness, fortitude of soul and humility.  The other seems in me to be receiving rather than giving anything.  –‘The Autobiography of St Teresa Avila’


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