Mass reflection

Post mass, before the Eucharist, listening to the Poor Clares conduct midday prayers, I reflect upon the realization all I have to offer is truly very little. My previous creative writing efforts appear futile, arising from fear, brokenness, and insecurity. A desperate man trying too hard, all that was there threatened sanctity, allowing perversity, blocking a true calling. Now a call is heard, God whispers through my experciences, memory, and totality, within my imperfections and attempts, he asks very little from one who has little to offer. Become a friend, follow His example. Be an authentic human being to others being human as they approach death. Bring them to St Paul Shrine. Celebrate mass with them. Share the Rosary with them. Present them to the Poor Clares, allow them to meet Father Roger and Father Sam. Let them converse with Sister Regina and Sister Clare Marie. Such a little thing God ask of me, something easy to accomplish, natural, without effort, lovingly endeavored upon, a satisfaction of my deepest desires. Something so simple, yet so sublimly divine. God is good, all knowing in majesty.


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