A Sunday dinner party

What an odd, yet charming gathering Joan hosted. The dinner party was splendid, a communal Rosary and hymns amongst the occurring. Joan’s home is incredibly nice, large, well decorated and immaculately maintained. The feast proved plentiful and savoring in good taste. A delightful time was had by all. I learned not only is she the mother of fourteen (now a widow), yet time has advanced to make her the grandmother of forty-two. Her family gatherings consist of nearly eighty people. With absolute tenderness and care, it was obvious the majority of those gathered today were mentally handicapped. Joan seems to collect a certain type as a part of her mission. One of the gentlemen would not leave me alone, constantly insisting upon conversation. He is quite sensitive, openly honest about being hospitalized over the years for various mental difficulties. In life, he has struggled, getting himself into trouble as he says. The man’s trusting and innocent nature, his obvious need for my approval, left me defenseless. I could only cater to his demands. To give him rapt attention came easy and natural. Joan informed me his troubles were never serious, nothing criminal nor ethically compromising to a serious degree. Obsessive, his most serious offense consisted of financial recklessness through compulsive shopping, spending beyond his means, purchasing endless and useless items from the home shopping network. He asked me if I wanted a nice flat-screen television. It seems he purchased half a dozen and now does not know what to do with them. I could only laugh and say no, excusing myself from involvement by confessing I did not watch television. I am not sure where he gets the money, owning a home, however another man told me it took a large U-haul truck and a dumpster to empty his home of all the stuff he had collected over the years. I thoroughly enjoyed his company. What a character, a childlike and simple trusting soul. I offered to do some electrical work on his home.

Spiritually, Chris, the gentleman who walks with the cane, presented himself in intimate conversation. He is profound, working at a highly refined level of development. The man possesses a serious and severe spiritual maturity. Joan, myself, and Chris spent over an hour together, speaking alone after everyone left. The interaction will only deepen with time. He has made some suggestions, listening to me as well as discoursing. Together, I am convinced the future will hold further collaboration. I like his mysterious, hidden, nature; an absolute complete intention to be left alone dominates his disposition. He knows who he is spiritually, with no concern for attention, nor the need to convince others of anything, in any regard. Manipulation, the hunger for power, possesses no control over him. Impressing others sincerely means nothing. His sensitivity is coarse, an overly sensitive nature not a part of his faith. He is not self-conscious, nor insecure, nor is he put on guard by others possessing spiritual proficiency. His advanced spirituality is not tainted by a desperation aimed at establishing himself as a spiritual scholar, nor dependent upon a self-esteemed based upon a delusional, or real, higher intellect. He has no interest in being smart, possessing superior knowledge, nor being correct through the negating of others. He is all about being holy. He is a man of prayer.


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