The bridegroom rejoices that his chosen has said yes to his invitation to spiritual marriage. She wants the illumination of perfect love to end in its consummation. To be of one spirit with God is to be freed from rebellious imperfections. Also its resistances have to die a natural death like the old self she used to be. Only then can God complete in her the work he began so long ago. Only through such slavery can she be set free!
“What shall we do for our sister on the day of her courtship, for she is little and has no breasts? If she is a wall let us build upon its silver bulwark and defenses; and if she is a door, let us reinforce it with cedar wood.” — Song of songs
She wants the Holy Spirit to fortify the walls that’s surround her inmost chamber, making them secure against the attacks of intruders. Love brings her closer to that special room made of sweet cedar wood where she senses her mystical marriage shall at last be consummated. As a bride- to-be, she shall wait by the door to greet her groom with a Cordial kiss. She shall hold open the portal of her heart so that he may enter “through the complete and true ‘yes’ of love”.
–Susan Mutu ‘Deep into the Thicket’