
Turquoise teal, the lack of mildness,
The sudden shift of desert sands,
A thirst seeks living water,
The sun scorchs,
Heat and dryness forms,
Waves in the air,

A mask removed upon demand,
I needed and there you were,
A life for the taking,
Someone to force into a making,
A figment of imagination,

Who were you to rebel?
To express a voice,
Contained within a wound,
Scratching advanced to clawing,
Blockage one cannot hear,

Day by day,
Notch by notch,
Second by second,
Sprouting imperfection,
Concentration holds steadfast,

A distance must be maintained,
In order to establish distinction,
Sanctifying grace takes time,
The lack of desire, detachment,

Faith, a baby’s cry believes in attention,
Large strong, calloused hands,
Protecting, elevating,
Passing forth to a loving Mother,
The tenderest embrace.


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