Monthly Archives: July 2020

All is Good
Collapsed on my back
At the park
After riding my bike too hard.
How wonderful to be a child
Transfixed and wondering
As clouds drift by.


Evening Prayer
Ah, Lord,
how many nights have I slept in enmity with Thee?
O God!
in what a miserable state was my soul during that time!
it was hated by Thee,
and wished to be hated by Thee.
I was condemned to hell;
there was nothing wanting
but the execution of the sentence.
But Thou, my God,
hast never ceased to seek after me,
and invite me to pardon.
But who can assure me
that Thou hast pardoned me?
Must I, O my Jesus!
live in this uncertainty
till Thou dost judge me?
But the sorrow which I feel
for having offended Thee,
my desire to love Thee,
and still more,
Thy Passion,
O my beloved Redeemer!
make me hope that Thy grace dwells in my soul.
I am sorry for having offended Thee,
O Sovereign Good!
and I love Thee above all things.
I resolve to forfeit everything
rather than lost Thy grace and Thy love.
Thou dost wish that the heart
which seeks Thee should be full of joy.
“Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.”
Lord, I detest all the injuries
I have offered to Thee.
Give me courage and confidence;
do not upbraid me with my ingratitude;
for I myself know and detest it.
Thou hast said that Thou willest not
the death of a sinner,
but that he be converted and live.
Yes, my God,
I leave all things and turn to Thee.
Give me Thy love;
I ask nothing else.
O Mary! thou, after Jesus, art my hope;
obtain for me holy perseverance.
By St. Alphonsus Liguori

Being Authentic is Enough
Now, very often what prevents God’s grace from acting in depth in our lives, and is therefore a kind of sin, is the failure to accept ourselves as we are: our past, our mistakes, our physique, what we are on the human level, our psychological make-up, our weaknesses, and all the rest.
It isn’t easy. I do a lot of listening and spiritual accompanying, and I have heard hundreds of people say, “Father, I just can’t accept myself, I can’t bear the way I am.” Often I have even heard: “I hate myself!”
This is the opposite of humility, of spiritual childhood. Being a child means accepting ourselves as we are. We know we have plenty of limitations and imperfections, but we don’t make a production of it and we don’t turn it into a major problem. First, we know that God loves us as we are. He doesn’t love us for our achievements and successes, but because He has chosen to adopt us, each of us, as his children, and that’s that. —Father Jacques Philippe ‘The Way of Trust and Love: A Retreat Guided by St. Therese of Lisieux

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