
ALTHOUGH WE SHOULD BEWARE OF ERROR WHEREVER POSSIBLE, NOT ONLY IN GREAT matters but in small ones as well, it is impossible not to be ignorant of many things. Yet it does not follow that one falls into error out of ignorance alone. If someone thinks he knows what he does not know, if he approves as true what is actually false, this then is error, in the proper sense of the term. Obviously, much depends on the question involved in the error, for in one and the same question one naturally prefers the instructed to the ignorant, the expert to the blunderer, and this with good reason. In a complex issue, however, as when one man knows one thing and another man knows something else, if the former knowledge is more useful and the latter is less useful or even harmful, who in this latter case would not prefer ignorance? There are some things, after all, that it is better not to know than to know Likewise, there is sometimes profit in error—but on a journey, not in morals. –Saint Augustine ‘Handbook on Hope, Faith, and Love’


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