
Fellowship fulfilling

An overwhelming schedule limits post. The men’s retreat rewarding. Beauty and mystery displayed, a Monet painting is offered.


A prayer for Lent given to me by Father Ireland from Sacred Heart.

Oh most gentle Jesus,
by your precious blood,
deliver us from all evils.
By your most bitter death
give us a lively faith,
firm hope and perfect charity,
so that with our whole hearts
we may love you
with all our soul and strength.
Make us persevere in your service,
firm and steadfast in good works,
so that we may always
be able to please you.

Saint Clare


Breakfast buddies

A pleasant surprise during morning mass at St Clare. There seated directly in front of me, several pews to the front, was none other than Jim Nagel. He cordially greeted me after mass, extending an invitation to share breakfast. He took me to a charming health food restaurant ‘First Watch’. Their house specialty multigrain pancakes are delightful and enormous in size. The waitress informed me the monthly special is steel cut oats, a personal favorite. Speaking of health foods, I must spread the word on an incredible food find. I was shopping at Zagara’s when I discovered Chia seeds, normally priced $15 a bag selling for $2.50. I purchased all eight of the bags. I never tried the seeds, although I am aware they are recognized as the current super food craze, loaded with protein, Omega-3, and fiber. They are remarkable, a unique eating experience, while providing energy. Raw, they form a gel when masticated. Chia seeds can be substituted for eggs in recipes. When mixed with water they form an adhesive gel similar to eggs in a batter. My son informs me they can serve the same purpose in vegan puddings and smoothies. Anyway, Jim Nagel was fresh from a performing excursion in New York City. He conducted his one-man Thomas Merton play at the very church Thomas Merton experienced his conversion to Catholicism. His stories were invigorating, a true testament to the Holy Spirit being active in his adventures. He is prayerfully pursuing an opportunity to serve as artist, or actor, in residence at the Bishop Fulton Sheen Theater in NYC. The breakfast overflowed with conversation, wonderful in depth, exploring the creative spirit tuned to the spiritual. I must say I was forced to work tomorrow, so there will be no Saturday poetry reading at ‘Negative Space’. I will interpret the matter as a sign. Overall, the Jim Nagel breakfast convinces me my St Paul Shrine experience, aligned with my Cleveland experience, allows for a certain carryover. Those able to advance are welcome. The Man of Prayer resides relevant. Mary, Joseph, and Vinita are enjoyable dinner companions. The Saturday prayer group remains stout. Father Roger is my preferred confessor, knowing me intimately, providing excellent simple spiritual guidance. I am working with Carrie on furthering Hospice activity through the presentation to the Franciscan Third Order. The Poor Clares are bonded spiritually on a profound level. I tried to arraign a one-on-one consultation with Sister Mary Thomas, however that will not be possible until after Lent. The time of the risen Christ will be perfect in accommodation. It is important not to destroy the past. More appropriately, simply moving beyond calls forth action immersed in grace. I recall rock lyrics to the tune, ‘anyone who ever played a part, shouldn’t turn around and hate it’. The morning proved rewarding, providing confirmation, sweet consolation everything is all right. Returning after breakfast for adoration, walking into the chapel, there was my newly anointed spiritual director walking into the parish office, dapper in his handsome priestly hat, displaying dignity, proper pride, and enthusiasm for the priesthood, greeting with a smile and well-wishes.


Where are we now?

This was a response to the Man of Prayer discussing my attaining of a spiritual director. It allows the exploration of the matter. The Man of Prayer was inquiring whether I would be meeting twice a month with the priest.

A scheduled monthly meeting, the third Thursday, will be the routine. I am satisfied with the depth of investigation. The exploring of my personal history, my journey in faith, was conducted today. I leave with the determination to continue forward in patience, meeting the daily demand of mass and a Holy Hour, obedient to the call of the Hospice. I will encounter the priest in passing, including his celebrating of mass, throughout the week. We are aiming to establish if it is God’s desire for me to enter the religious life. For now patience is the calling, purity the essence, prayer the exercising. My faith activity advances in maturity in regards to community. I am meeting weekly with a prayer group ‘Arise’ at St Clare, basically myself and two solid family women of faith. Others come and go. Plus continued involvement with the men at Sacred Heart. The Hospice looms in uncertainty. Father offered another avenue of social life he would like me to explore. The social activity is in response to my alcoholic isolating past. I was a man deep in faith who became self-absorbed and truthfully severely self-destructive—suicidal in slow certainty. Obedience to the Church, structure and others pulls me out of myself.

There was more explored. There are many more thoughts, many rejected. My poem today, arose from a reflection during prayer. I felt strongly Mary asking me to quiet myself, to cease my frustrations, to silence myself, and then silence myself even more. I oblige.

I am arraigning another visit to the Maronite Monks of Adoration for Easter weekend, utilizing a vacation day on Last Supper Thursday in order to extend the stay. I will not inquire regarding entering. They have age boundaries, however in prayer I will open my heart. The Benedictines in North Dakota repose in maturity, the plenitude of retired priest establishing authenticity, inspiring reinforcement. Thy Will be done. I will mention the priest presented as a spiritual director is younger. Observing him celebrating mass, it was obvious the depth of his spirituality. He has suggested, while warning against the mindset, of investigating communities. I have considered the possibility of exploring religious communities during my visit to Spain. Beyond theological soundness, similar to Father Roger, it struck apparent he focused acutely upon living the spiritual life–following Christ advanced beyond talking (making good points) and knowledge. The ability to progress beyond self-will, truly able to identify and detach from self-interest, in order to hear clearly and respond appropriately to the voice of God. I have always felt a deeper calling, blessed with severe faith, a prayer life graced–allowing blissful abandonment. I recall Father David Mary, during our falling out, amongst our arguments, halting his anger, voicing the thought, ‘I want to say I fear for you, that you are foolish and arrogant. You will make it difficult on yourself. Yet your strong faith and prayer life, I think, will save you’.


“I thirst” John 19:28

The reflection, image, the comfort of WATER, quenching thirst. The coming Lent Sunday Gospel reading on Jesus going to the well, an encounter with the Samaritan woman: a revealing seeking a drink of water, a conversation, honesty–self-revelation through the Divine leading to salvation. The Arise group this morning proves essential, soothing and healing on levels of advancement. God is good and all giving. The turnout was small, three women and myself. One woman previously attending was unable to be present due to the death of her mother, the funeral conducted in the church as we met. Family members and friends paying tribute. The two women leading Arise are solid, mature in faith and personal lives, one an ecclesiastical minister, friends with Mary from St Paschal Baylon, the same in vocation, the lay minister who guided me into working with the Hospice. Humble, strong, courageous women of families. Inner-circles form within greater circles, circumambulating centered upon the Lord. Saturday Sacred Heart and a day of sanctified manliness, men desiring to be pillars of the church. Everything without coalescing within, disrupting and demolishing the pain from immature dysfunctional fellowship. Water satisfying, cleansing and bathing, healing wounds, deeply penetrating, satisfying thirst. My soul is refreshed, savoring the warmth of families, humble simple people of faith, friendship, and hope.

Jesus calls out from the cross: “I thirst”

Echoes meet as deep is calling unto deep,
over my head, all your mighty waters,
sweeping over me.


Authentic sharing

The familial experience of life professionally extends into Hospice activities. I have spent the morning finalizing coordination with the Franciscan Third Order regarding Hospice introduction and exploration. In addition, hands on training was secured during the conclusion of Lent. I find myself genuinely enthralled and touched by Hospice personnel. I have a color print out of many of the staff throughout the organization. I put stars by all the individuals I regularly interact with, pleased to realize they are involved in my assisting of those passing away. Everything so profound, practical, professional, and poignant. Then to top off the phone calls, the reason for the meaning, a vigil was called forth tomorrow. The bedside vigils are equaled only by the experience of mass. I was thinking about my recent focus upon the Canticle of Canticles, a relationship with God reaching the level of lovers. The bold assertion arose from my prayer experiences with Joseph and the mother of six. Penetrating to a blissfully familial splendor, the intimacy praying Rosaries and Divine Mercy chaplet with two Catholics concluding full lives proves overwhelming for the lonely broken sinner that I am. God blesses me. I did not report, all though experienced, that the prayers for Joseph blossomed into a deep calling to Saint Joseph.  And with the mother of six to Our Blessed Mother.  There is a conviction I am introducing them to the Holy parents, all setting the stage, a precursor. Christ waits beyond and above.  Those two graced my life with sheer love. The passionate nature I was left with is a consequence of the overall sense of grace, peace, and love enveloping me during the shared moments.


Tuesday school day

On Tuesdays, mass at St Clare is conducted with the school children attending. The familial aspect of faith emerging apparent. God is strongly making evident the need for psychological soundness, humility, and maturity. The children represent the future, the potentiality of hope held properly within their innocent hearts. God is good and giving. Within the ability to find comfort within community is the strength to stand alone. Detachment is greater, more efficacious, amidst the body of the Church. Love and familial longing can never be denied. I recall reading of prison inmates perversely bringing about the reality of families. Inmates create families while incarcerated. Absurdly, husband and wives adopt sons and daughters, a family unit proving essential in allowing the inmates to survive their harsh conditions. The human heart always longs for that which is good ‘our hearts are restless until they rest in God’. To whole heartedly and peacefully come into community is to accurately approach God alone. Healthy adult relationships bringer sharper into focus the ways of God. His voice becomes more pronounced in solitary prayer when love reigns amongst brothers and sisters. God is bringing an advanced depth to my faith life through familial sharing.

Sept. 9, 2013 - Garden Grove, California, U.S. - Children stand in prayer during the dedication ceremony for their new school, the Christ Cathedral Academy. The Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, blessed the building during the first day of school...///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: – MINDY SCHAUER, ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER –.Shot 090913 – Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, will join students, teachers and families for the formal opening of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange’s newest educational institution, the Christ Cathedral Academy. The new pre and k-8 school has the distinction of being located on the newly acquired 34 acre Christ Cathedral Campus. The school is housed within the former Family Life building and encompasses three floors and nearly 75,000 square feet. The Diocese has recently completed a more than $1.7 million renovation of the school facility. (Credit Image: © Mindy Schauer/The Orange County Register/


Post-mass reflection

Words today during the Homily stung with relevancy the fault of self-absorption thrown as a dart piercing my Lenten reflections. It is important to meditate upon the idea of being too self-absorbed. First acknowledging criticism, the insight of others, is important for higher spiritual growth. I observe and express insights regarding others. It is only fair I receive the same in kind. I am convinced being overly-sensitive is a serious culpability plaguing too many pursuing the spiritual life. Their faith is sound. Their behavior is solid in morality. Their thoughts are growing in sanctity. However let someone disagree with them, or tell them they are flat out wrong about something, and witness them recoil in horror, often passively aggressively turning against the one possessing the nerve to accost their holy life. It is good to be slapped around from time to time. Anyway, self-absorption I am attempting to slowly draw away from, while understanding my strengths, relying always upon my prayer life, mass, and the Eucharist. The cloistered life hovers, and I identify a solid mindset within myself able to profit from such a life. I will not be shallow or delusional in activity. I am grateful for the immense, and miraculous growth achieved through overcoming my isolated insane life of a severe alcoholic. All glory to God. My Cleveland experience was vital in lifting from such a deplorable state, yet it proved wounding also. A level able to lift me from a lower level needed to be transcended. The overall spiritual immaturity, being exposed and made vulnerable to those unable to sustain mature adult relationships within the community of faith, those unable to live lives strong in family values, sound simple contributing members of a parish, stung me harshly. Growing in strength and confidence, knowing who I am and who I am not, I am careful opening myself to others. I am proud of my activities with the Hospice, and now with the parishes of St Clare and Sacred Heart. I will exercise patience in exposing my interior life to others.

Speaking of Sacred Heart I was giving the schedule for the men’s Lenten retreat. It is amazing. Take this in.

9-9:15 Opening prayer and greetings.

9:15-10 EWTN Year of Mercy and Forgiveness with Father Mark Hollis.

10-10:45 Salvation for married and single men by Bishop Anthony Pilla.


11-11:45 Pornography—the battle for our souls by Tom Wenzel from EWTN.

11:45-12:30 Examination of conscience and preparations for confession by Deacon Bob Grgic


2-2:45 How to be a Catholic man in our world today by Father David Ireland, Sacred Heart pastor.

2:45-3:15 Questions and answers with panel of presenters.

3:15-3:30 Presentation by Joe Madigan about the Knights of Columbus.

4:00 PM MASS with parishioners in the Church.

I love it!!!
