The first day of new employment, feeling at peace, content with circumstances and professional environment. The pursuit of harmony throughout my life becomes a focused activity. The head of our department, maintenance, impresses mightily, a kind man outstanding in his field. I am easily obedient to humble brilliance. With respect and dignity to routine, an essential to the spiritual life as I live it, a schedule is naturally, and spiritually, falling into place. Mondays will be remiss of Adoration, at this time at least, with Mass celebration occurring in Little Italy at Holy Rosary. The Queen of Heaven statue serving as the centerpiece of the sanctuary is worth the price of admission alone. Tuesday should prove delightfully devoted to Our Lady with Adoration and Mass at the East Cleveland (Euclid) shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes. Wednesday will reside close to home with Adoration and Mass celebrated at St Ann (Communion of Saints). I was made aware of the weekly evening conductance, including confession, by a woman passing out novena prayers for the Miraculous Medal at Holy Rosary. Thursdays presents Adoration at the Slovenian church of St Mary of Collinwood, a quaint Church tucked into the inner-city neighborhood of my employment. I would like to comment on the neighborhood, stating a challenge and fascination. The neighborhood is recognized as severely crime and drug infested, a blight upon even those abiding. Sunday, the significant other and I were driving through the neighborhood exploring. She is centered in her work less than a tenth of a mile away at Hospice Headquarters, able to share lunch together. While touring the Eastside, we encountered a gang of thirty or so black males marauding through the streets on motocross motorcycles and ATV vehicles. Conducting sheer anarchy, the men loudly paraded their unlicensed and street illegal vehicles upon St Claire Ave, a main thruway. Several of the riders were isolating themselves, burning rubber and riding wheelies. It was something I truly never thought I would behold. Not sure what I thought, experiencing outrage and intrigue. Abiding in nonjudgement and tranquility, I tried to simply observe, thinking of St Francis’s benevolence when beholding the leper. This is the neighborhood the company I have committed to is intent upon creating jobs within. Collinwood, Ohio it was once recognized as. The gentleman, Dan T Moore, founding the company is quite interesting, establishing a captivating industrial center at the former airport of Curtiss Wright, one of the original aviation pioneers, one of the Wright Brothers. Anyway I digress, back to my weekly dedication to the contemplative life, the outlining of a schedule. St Mary of Collinwood Adoration is conducted from two to six Thursdays, allowing immediate attendance after punching out from work. Mass will hopefully follow at St Aloysius, another east side gem I knew nothing about. I stopped by today as showed them hosting daily Adoration, however the priest informed the information was incorrect. I hope the Mass time listing is also not an error. The week day work week will end profoundly with Adoration and prayers shared with the Benedictines at St Andrew’s Abbey. It has been months, much has happened. I am still determining Mass possibilities. God is good and all giving.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tui, Jesus
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria Mater dei
Ora pro nobis pecatoribus
Ora, ora pro nobis
Ora ora pro nobis pecatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
In hora mortis, nostrae
In hora mortis mortis nostrae
In hora mortis, nostrae
Ave Maria!

Queen of Heaven statue at Holy Rosary
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