
True Pity

Let us return to Father Vann’s refined contrasting of the sorrow of Mary compared to the women of Jerusalem. Mary’s sorrow is nurturing and strengthening: true pity. The good women of Jerusalem, followers of Jesus, become overwhelmed with emotional self-pity. Lacking definitude, without detailed understanding, Mary’s sorrow comprehends the totality of sacrificing her Son, embracing His crucifixion in silence though it pierces her heart.  Always obedient, Mary questions not the mysteries of God. Her trust in God supersedes her own experiences, emotions, feelings, desires, intellect, and being.  Silence, love, and a sorrowful heart she offers her Son in order to embolden and strengthen Him so He can remain loyal and obedient to the will of His Father.

If Mary’s heart had been filled with the soft sentimental pity, she would not have helped, but would have hindered. Human love helps when it is within the framework of vocation, when it expresses the will of God. A mother’s vocation is fulfilled when she offers her son to God (Hannah), to life, and to his own destiny; it is ruined when she clings to him for her own sake on the plea of saving him from hurt. “Go forth and see the king in the diadem wherewith his mother crowned him.” And this is the crowning (crucifix): her offering of her Son to the Father, her strengthening of her Son for the kingship of the cross.

For the very offering is itself a help to Him, comforting and gladdening Him. For her, the meeting (Jesus carrying the cross) can be only agony: and John and Mary Magdalen must have tried to restrain her, while she insisted, “I must be with my Son; He will have need of me.” And so she shows us a second thing: we are not merely to avoid confusing true pity with sentimental pity; we are to keep clear the distinction between true pity and self-pity. We, for our part, are not often asked to shoulder very heavy crosses perhaps, but the small ones come our way, and they fill us with self-pity; they make us yearn for and expect and perhaps demand sympathy until, in the end, we make others miserable in their turn. It is then that we should think of this scene, compare are noisy lamentations with Mary’s silence, our emotional wallowings with Mary’s strength, our wasted opportunity with the glory of the crucifixion. –Father Gerald Vann ‘Mary’s Answer for Our Troubled Times’



Reinvigorating a passion, continuing the pursuit

I am finished reading Father Thomas Philippe for the time being, ending with his concentration upon the importance of Mary in the life of a contemplative, the essentiality of Mary in the life of a Christian.  Our Holy Mother serves a distinct purpose; a genuine human example, inspiration, and power to behold.  She is more than doctrine and dogma, and I propose beyond the fanatical following those obsessed by her apparitions present.  Simplicity, an aversion to sin, a healthy sane faith, hope, and charity willing to be nothing more than the handmaid of the Lord, a source of grace and intervention.  Through purity and authenticity, a longing deeply for God, we must always grant Our Holy Mother the respect, dignity, and voice she deserves.  Our Holy Mother must be utilized for cleansing.  Her virginal majesty and mighty innocence pose her ripe for the further tainting of dirty vessels.  Responsibility, an approach and mindset imitating Our Holy Mother must be exercised.  We do not gain power over the world through Our Holy Mother.  Internalizing, her sublime grace kisses with a greater efficiency and depth.

Browsing a used bookstore, I came across a book for fifty cents: Gerald Vann’s ‘Mary’s Answer for Our Troubled Times’.  I became familiar with the author during my time at Assumption Abbey.  The novice master, Brother Aldred, chose the morning communal readings, focusing during my stay upon the twentieth century Dominican Father Gerald Vann.  Reminiscing, I observed the abbey’s website, a sorrowful overwhelming occurring, tears falling.  All I can do is present to my Lord and Holy Mother my heart, my wishes and desires.  I plead, opening myself, thoughts emerging: ‘I feel I have had enough Lord.  Know me Mary Undoer of Knots.  I want to go away from the world.  I am healthy and strong in mind. I can contribute to the Church.  What am I to do?’  Anyway, back to Father Gerald Vann, his short book on Mary will be my focus, Our Holy Mother becoming the center of attention, another Undoer of Knots novena initiated.

First an introduction to Father Vann from an interesting Dominican website.  …his approach (The Divine Pity) to the beatitudes…Fr Gerald first mentions one of the core concepts of the book: that to be a happy and holy Christian is not primarily a question of doing but of being. The virtues lived perfectly are not something that we do but something by which we are possessed. In an age where the fear of what doing nothing might bring pushes almost everyone to embrace a culture of activism, it is such a relief to read that all we really have to do is to let God take over. The anxieties and neuroses that are the product of a semi-Pelagian attitude must be left behind, says Fr Gerald. The feeling that we must make everything happen has no place here, it is not a Christian approach…..poverty of spirit as a child-like dependence on God. It is the opposite of pride which attempts to be autonomous, which wills to be its own master. 

The introduction fits perfectly within the current direction the Holy Spirit personally leads; words synchronizing, ideas harmonizing.  The further we advance, the more the road narrows, the more God demands.  Surrendering, the vitality of the obedience of Mary, must be elevated.  The inability to hold the reigns gently, to wear the garment of life loosely, to move about matters with a hidden nature, produces a faith of self-absorbed ugliness, a self-will dominated spiritual abomination in a world being overwhelmed by abominations.  Let’s read a bit of Father Vann, refreshing the wonder of Mary, deepening the contemplative journey.

…we must begin to say ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord”: and this is something we can say no matter what history of accumulated evil may lie behind, provided only that now we began to know and acknowledge our nothingness and helplessness, and destroy all the self-fashioned and self-imposed masks we have presented to ourselves and to the world, and stand naked under the creative and re-creative hand of God.  Be it done unto me: done from the very beginning, for there is nothing therefore that can give any direction, have any rights, form any pattern; no power, no entity, no I, but only the dark chaos of nothingness out of which God, but only God, can create a real man.  

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Our Lady Undoer of Knots


The Mother of God; beyond boundaries and limitations

God did not want to sanctify Mary as a creature–that is to say, within certain limits–or as a part (even though the principal part) of the Church.  He willed to sanctity her as a whole, as “a world in herself,” as St Bernard says.  He gave her a fullness of grace that was indeed finite in comparison with that of our Lord, but which had a kind of infinity in comparison with the grace given to us.  He wanted her to be like a universe in herself, with all the graces that have been given to any of the saints recapitulated eminently in her.   –Father Thomas Philippe ‘The Contemplative Life’

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Our Lady Undoer of Knots



Sorrowful Mother

Mary was the poorest of creatures, (“blessed are the poor in spirit”). She never appropriated any grace, but accepted everything as a gift; she made the most of God’s gifts, not in order to enjoy them, but in order to draw closer to God. Thus, she constantly mounted higher and higher. She received all her graces without seeing them. It was in the beatific vision, in God himself, that Mary, on the day of the Assumption, discovered the marvel that God had wrought in her. Only then did she look at herself.


That is what happened at the Cross. Mary knew well that God was leading her in the ways of love, and that divine friendship has different laws from human friendship. Her intimate union with Jesus attained its consummation there at the Cross. She did not need purification; her trials were not a punishment for sin but a token of love. God had chosen suffering to testify on earth to his love, and God was letting her share in that suffering.

It was Mary’s confidence that made her faithful, and her confidence stemmed from her nothingness. The bride of God, who has no other task but love, is spontaneously inclined to self–effacement. This is the humility of the bride who naturally loves to lose herself in her beloved spouse. Love is what impels her to a joyous humility, which is completely simple and one with love. In moments of great intimacy with God, we hardly know whether it is acts of love or acts of humility that God asks of us. In fact, it is both together: we disappear, but we disappear in God’s love.

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin to enlighten us in all our questions of conscience. Let us also meditate on all her attitudes. There was always a deep intimacy between her and our Lord, but a very dark intimacy, an intimacy in faith. –Father Thomas Philippe ‘The Contemplative Life’

Mother of Sorrows

Mother of Sorrows


On Mary’s birthday: charism of silence

…this gift of Pentecost was diversified according as it was given to the Virgin Mary or to the Apostles, Mary received it and dwelt in the silence of love.  The Apostles received it, left the Cenacle, and began to speak.  This unique gift takes, then, two different directions: it forms some to speak and others to be silent.  It is love that impels the contemplative soul to keep silence, it is love that impels the Apostle to leave his contemplation, to be obedient unto death, to give the Gospel message to others.  –Thomas Philippe ‘The Fire of Contemplation’

AnnJoachimMary (2)




“Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis

“Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against–and a sword will pierce through your own soul also–that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed.”

Mary pierced

I saw an angel beside me toward the left side, in bodily form. He was not very large, but small, very beautiful, his face so blazing with light that he seemed to be one of the very highest angels, who appear all on fire. They must be those they call Cherubim. I saw in his hands a long dart of gold, and at the end of the iron there seemed to me to be a little fire. This I thought he thrust through my heart several times, and that it reached my very entrails. As he withdrew it, I thought it brought them with it, and left me all burning with a great love of God. So great was the pain, that it made me give those moans; and so utter the sweetness that this sharpest of pains gave me, that there was no wanting it to stop, nor is there any contenting of the soul with less than God. –St. Teresa, ‘Life of St Teresa of Avila’

Teresa pierced

Adrift in a nebulous void, an abyss undefined by darkness, sensing the quality of light beyond, I am aroused by a sensation below. Slothfully, I identify myself in a lucid dream. Looking downward, viewing my naked body, feeling nothing, I notice a chord emanating from my chest. A winding twining thing, comprised of two distinct strands bursting forward. From my heart, it advances.

Exiting, originating from my heart, the chord is constantly drawn from my body and consciousness. The force pulling the chord is consistent and firm. It does not move my body—the chord slides forth, not pulling my body. Gliding outward, the distinct chord is apart, something distinct and connecting. It touches, yet it is detached. It moves outward similar to a magician pulling a seemingly endless handkerchief from his pocket.

Visually, I follow the chord to its source, discovering two beings pulling forth. Their form is that of humans, however, their appearance is shrouded with a mysterious cloud of illusion. They move slow and surreal. I notice wings, tiny bodies: cherubs at work or play, filled with joy, laughing and singing. I cannot clearly focus upon the intriguing sweet tiny angels. They swim in and out of focus. I am able to distinguish both cherubs are absorbed in the effort of pulling at the chord, or rather pulling at individual ends. The twining strands couple to form the single chord passing from my heart.

At the point of contact with my flesh, the mystical chord creates friction, igniting a burning sensation throughout my body. Energy exchanged. Fear erupts. I panic, fighting against the heavenly exterior efforts. Opposition ingrained, I reach out to grasp the chord in order to strengthen my resistance. As I grab the chord, my perspective suddenly changes, my consciousness exits my body. I am now able to perceive, simultaneously, from the opposite originating points. I am looking back at myself, the pulling cherubs now my two eyes, two eyes seeing as one. I watch my body struggle as I sustain the effort of drawing the chord outward, from my current perspective inward.

Incredibly, my emotional state achieves an abnormal peace with the change of perception–the tension of my physical body assuaged. I acknowledge the serene state of being as a hand holding a dagger extends outward from my current position. The singular hand is huge in perception. Unemotionally, I realize the intention of the dagger. A driving force plunges the dagger directly into my heart. The moment the dagger penetrates my flesh, my perspective snaps back to my body.

An emotional upheaval erupts. I am pierced, overwhelmed, finding it difficult due to the flood of thoughts. Anxiety forces the desire to move. Deluged with fear, hysterical with the thought of death, I cry out to the surrounding emptiness.

Remarkably, I am stunned by an incredible lack of painful sensation within the overwhelming. The dagger does not pierce inflicting pain, rather it soothes, gratifies, burning with an extreme coldness, cauterizing. There is a joy to the happening. My chest is an infected, seriously abscessed wound now being relieved of its painful pressure. The supernatural relaxing sensation comforts, causing a complete inner collapse, or is it possibly a return to a natural unknown state? All my muscles release. Miraculously, physical tension is eliminated. I am shocked by the feeling of complete release. I never realized there was so much tension existing within my body.

As the dagger settles deeper, blood begins to pour out and over my body. Striking the center of my heart, the dagger produces a thick stream of dark red, almost black blood. Bathing my body, the blood stimulates a primordial warmth, blanketing innate fear and ignorance. The profoundness of the act advances to a practical awareness. This must be done. The subtle thought of a womb never completely develops as it is overwhelmed by the image of a red orchid blossoming upon my open chest amidst the pool of blood.

Slowly awakening, slothful and groggy, I emerge from the dream. Whispering. “Should have dug the dagger deeper.”

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


Feast of the Assumption


Jesus ascends in glory
Divinity arising
The ultimate worldly sacrifice
Eternal the Word
Left behind in time and space
Holy Spirit descends with gifts
Mercy supplying
Salvation sanctifying
Lifted heavenly beyond
Mary is assumed in sorrow
Grace granted to one who will overflow with grace
Crowned the Queen of Heaven
Mediatrix of all graces
Arc of the New Covenant
The Throne of Wisdom
Am immaculate voice for new ages
A pure mother abiding
Generations upon generations
Millenniums transpiring
Man struggles throughout and within
God, the Father, Infinite and Omnipotent, loves unceasingly
