‘It is true that on account of the blessings of the Lord, sin was impossible in me. But (this) was hidden from me. I saw that as far as it depended on myself alone, I could fall. Thus God left me in holy fear of sinning during my pilgrimage From the instant of my conception until my death, I never lost this fear, but rather grew in it with time….” The Queen of Heaven speaking to St Mary Agreda. ‘The Life of Mary as Seen by the Mystics’ compiled by Raphael Brown.

May prayer: Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted
Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of God and our most compassionate Mother,
we present ourselves in thy sight in all humility,
and with full confidence
we implore thee for thy maternal patronage.
Thou hast been proclaimed by Holy Church
the Comforter of the Afflicted,
and to thee constant recourse is had
by the sorrowful in their afflictions,
the sick in their maladies,
the dying in their agony,
the poor in their straitened circumstances,
those who stand in all manner of need
in both public and private calamities;
and from thee they all receive consolation and strength.
Our dearest Mother,
turn upon us also,
wretched sinners that we are,
thy merciful eyes,
and graciously accept our humble and confident prayers.
Aid us in all our spiritual and temporal necessities,
deliver us from all evil
and especially from sin,
which is the greatest evil,
and from all danger of falling into it;
obtain for us from thy Son Jesus
every blessing of which thou seest we stand in need
both in soul and body,
and especially the greatest blessing of all,
which is Divine grace.
Comfort our spirits,
troubled and afflicted in the midst of the many dangers that threaten us,
and the countless miseries and misfortunes that beset us on every side.
This we ask through that immense joy
which filled thy pure soul
in the glorious Resurrection of thy Divine Son.
Obtain tranquillity for Holy Church,
help and comfort for her visible Head,
the Sovereign Pontiff,
peace for Christian princes,
refreshment in their pains for the Holy Souls in Purgatory;
for sinners, the forgiveness of their sins,
and for the just, perseverance in well-doing.
Receive us all, our most tender Mother,
under thy loving and mighty protection,
that we may be enabled to live virtuously,
die holily and attain to everlasting happiness in Heaven.

Easter driving home
“The Life of Mary as Seen by the Mystics” Rahpael Brown an audiobook

Softly Listening
Mother of God
Here I stand now praying
Before this icon
Of your radiant brightness
Not praying to be saved
From a battlefield
Not giving thanks
Nor seeking forgiveness
For the sins of my soul
Nor for all the souls
Numb, joyless
And desolate on earth
But for her alone
Whom I wholly give you

A Mother of Protection
A prayer/poem by St Alphonsus Liguori
Behold at thy feet, O Mary my hope,
a poor sinner who has so many times
been by his own fault the slave of hell
I know that by neglecting to have recourse to thee,
my refuge, I allowed myself to be overcome by the devil.
Had I always had recourse to thee,
had I always invoked thee,
I certainly should not have fallen.
I trust, O Lady most worthy of all our love,
that through thee
I have already escaped from the hands of the devil,
and that God has pardoned me.
But I tremble lest at some future period
I may again fall into the same bonds.
I know that my enemies
have not lost the hope of again overcoming me,
and already they prepare new assaults and temptations for me.
Ah, my Queen and refuge, do thou assist me.
Place me under thy mantle;
permit me not again to become their slave.
I know that thou wilt help me and give me the victory,
provided I invoke thee;
but I dread lest in my temptations
I may forget thee, and neglect to do so.
The favor, then, that I seek of thee,
and which thou must grant me,
O most holy Virgin,
is that I may never forget thee,
and especially in time of temptation;
grant that I may then repeatedly invoke thee,
saying, “0 Mary, help me;
O Mary, help me. “
And when my last struggle with hell comes,
at the moment of death,
ah, then, my Queen,
help me more than ever,
and thou thyself
remind me to call on thee more frequently
either with my lips or in my heart;
that, being thus filled with confidence,
I may expire with thy sweet name
and that of thy Son Jesus on my lips;
that so I may be able to bless thee and praise thee,
and not depart from thy feet in paradise for all eternity.

Undoer of Knots

Mary Undoer of Knots

Take on His burden for it is light, yoked to the benevolence of His Mother
“Crying, my little one, footsore and weary”
poem by Christina Rossetti
Crying, my little one, footsore and weary?
Fall asleep, pretty one, warm on my shoulder:
I must tramp on through the winter night dreary,
While the snow falls on me colder and colder.
You are my one, and I have not another;
Sleep soft, my darling, my trouble and treasure;
Sleep warm and soft in the arms of your mother,
Dreaming of pretty things, dreaming of pleasure.

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