
First photographic images
I spent the day swimming with my family in Toledo, celebrating the birthday of my mother. A young amazing family of seven boys joined the festivities. Homeschoolers, the parents were engaging, spending the last couple years in England with their troop of boys. The boys were disciplined, well-behaved and fun. A natural child, I easily fell in with the boys and my nephews and nieces for swimming, water basketball, and backyard excursions. I love children. I can play with the best of them. I shot what I thought were incredible photos, playing with shutter speed, however my focus needs serious attention. The images were there yet I was not able to capture them with desired quality. It makes me only more determined. I know I have something to offer within my vision of the world through a lens. A day of children, mass also provided a moment of profundity through my nephew Andre. I posted a photo of him previously. I will repost. I took Andre to mass with my mother and another nephew, Matthew, and his wife, Nicole. Nicole is pregnant, however struggling mightily. She is not holding down food, weak, and not properly putting on weight. She was told months previous she would not be able to conceive. The pregnancy is a bit of a miracle. The baby means everything to the young couple. When I heard the news she was told she could not bear children, I mailed Matthew and her two Rosaries, imploring them to take their desires for a child to Our Holy Mother through prayer. She is pregnant now. However, physically she is being challenged. She appears happy, yet frail. During mass I could only implore Our Blessed Mother to watch over two of her special children, and the baby they whole heartily desire to bring into the world. Then there was Andre, who everybody thought would be impossible during mass. He did good, a couple of inappropriate outburst and squirming, yet overall excellent performance by the toddler. Adorable, when the priest said ‘with one voice we acclaim’–leading into the Hosanna, Andre in tune with a moment of silence vibrated his lips, making a boat sound. I carried him to receive communion, the child receiving a blessing, observing and watching everything with awe and contentment. Returning to the pew, I held him tight, Eucharist consumed, kneeling in prayer. The child was obedient, quiet and watching. O Lord have mercy upon the world in adoration of the young ones entering into the world.

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