
A Saint’s poetry snippet on prayer

Even as Elijah, mounting to the sky,
Did cast his mantle to the earth behind;
So when the heart presents the prayer on high,
Exclude the world from traffic with the mind:
Lips near to God, and ranging heart within,
Is but vain babbling, and converts to sin.

3rd verse A Preparative to Prayer
St Robert Southwell

The link is to a neat website detailing the life of the amazing martyr Jesuit priest/poet St. Robert Southwell

Oct. 25 - St. Robert_283721


Haiku meandering on into luminescence

More Haiku. I have determined I do not like the use of commas. They break-up the flow of images, the gracing of mysteries, within applied words and juxtapositions. I removed the commas on all the stuff I did at Our Lady of the Pines, amazed by the results. Pleased. I am confident further depth was achieved.

Fullness being three
Aspects preternaturally
Man walks on the moon

Living in my head
Lions dancing with the herd
Brutal survival

Forced Competition
I do not know how to be
Threatened through breathing

Self-defense deny
Unable to cleanse within
Brokenness pervades

Tunnel leading in
The monkey wrench of misdeeds
Saints and hallow help

Night abode of sleep
Dreams alighting upon memory
A long winding road

Healing to know love
Traversing through still prayer
Heart blossoms refined

Able to be me
Contrite confident content
Mature formation

Mature faith hope love
Nothing binds not even God
Calm luminescence

Luminescence cool
Lacking fiery passion
Mary’s benign kiss


An Act of Abandonment

0 sovereign goodness of the sovereign Providence of my God!
I abandon myself forever to Thy arms.
Whether gentle or severe,
lead me henceforth whither Thou wilt;
I will not regard the way through which Thou wilt have me pass,
but keep my eyes fixed upon Thee,
my God, who guidest me.
My soul finds no rest without the arms
and the bosom of this heavenly Providence,
my true Mother, my strength and my rampart.
Therefore I resolve with Thy Divine assistance,
0 my Saviour,
to follow Thy desires and Thy ordinances,
without regarding or examining why Thou dost this rather than that;
but I will blindly follow Thee
according to Thy Divine will,
without seeking my own inclinations.
Hence I am determined to leave all to Thee,
taking no part therein save by keeping myself in peace in Thy arms,
desiring nothing except as Thou incitest me to desire,
to will, to wish.
I offer Thee this desire, 0 my God,
beseeching Thee to bless it;
I undertake all it includes,
relying on Thy goodness,
liberality, and mercy,
with entire confidence in Thee,
distrust of myself,
and knowledge of my infinite misery and infirmity.

St Jane Frances de Chantal

Patience, perseverance, prayer, a plea for mercy, and a recognition of love, the presence of Divine subsistence.  Lord, You were there the whole time.  Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  Matthew 7:7

“We should go to prayer with deep humility and an awareness of our nothingness. We must invoke the help of the Holy Spirit and that of our good angel, and then remain still in God’s presence, full of faith that He is more in us than we are in ourselves.” –St Jane Frances de Chantal

St Jane Frances de Chantal

St Jane Frances de Chantal


After Mass

Down in Adoration falling, ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’
A movie alone, solitary announcing, witnessing hidden amidst darkness, eyes wide open perceiving based upon experience,
Gabriel, not the archangel, a man of patience, perseverance, and proud,
A shepherd courting proper, romance and passion, a smooth hand seriously devout, lacking intimidation, kindness and gentleness abounds,
Thy will be done beyond fear and doubt, acting unrestrained in trusting,
Ahead of others, pushing past the pain, allowing the hurt of imperfections, penetrating the Hardy shores of England, aridity and barrenness, knowing no success, Gabriel calmly endures the assisting of Bathsheba,
Gradualism, appropriate building toward the profound, subtle in the tasting, victorious eternal only sighted by its breadth,
Desiring only goodness, I am an antithesis, emotional and loud to the best of abilities and upbringings, screaming, kicking unapologetic, demanding to be right while frantically infighting, pursuing innocence, imposing a transformative anarchy,
A storm centering upon correctness, the ways of advancement violent and harsh, unGodly ruling upon the appetite of suppression, obsession, many years too quiet, silent in stupefaction, a longing arising from the deepest abscess, screaming in silence away from the crowd, crying hidden, identifying alone,
Knowing the love of a heart strong in prayer, yet unknowing the confidence of negation, the higher consecration of subjugation, the discernment to appease only God, ascertaining only with discomfort, isolating unbridled shame,
Silent like an amused angel, stealthily moving about in the obscurity of your prayer cell, caring mass attending, God provides illustrations, patterns in the making, a finger descending from a cloud, a smile beneath a veil, bonding sister I aspire to make you proud, Poor Clare able to tame a wrathful temper, constructing strength I am weak, wounded, and ashamed, you perceive I am barely breathing, cowering within my growing tall, I listen to you during the intensity of sacred mysteries being celebrated, newer rites avail, I curl fetal within the silence, soul comforting the blindness,
Exist another holy striving, seeking I feel your prayers, needing your incense rising, inundating olfactory sensing: breathing in, cleansing release, calming vital to the nerves, in prayer allow the heart to settle, the mind to finish quaking, the being to be lowered to the essential secreted refrain, the tongue only good when quiet, allowing simply tasting, provide and keep me near,
All human effort ultimately insufficient, a man can do only what a man can do, joining with a sister a heart can be renewed, allowing proper introspection, pleading with the perpetually adoring, infusion awaiting, calling upon the merciful Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost I am silent, devoted desiring, a new day dawns, moments to appear, needing rest I repose underneath the covers.


Settling into maturity, a quieting

Little Song

Rainbow song in the rain
The magic of dying light
Joy like a sweet refrain
Fading in the night
The Madonna’s face in pain
Life’s bitter delight…

The wind that blasts the bloom
The wreath laid on the tomb
Pleasure all too brief.
Star to darkness hurled:
Veil of beauty and grief
Over the depths of the world.

–Hermann Hesse

A return to Fort Wayne, other things, makes me feel old. This is not bad. It made me think of the collection of Hermann Hesse writing titled ‘Hymn to Old Age’. A time and a season for all things, growing old is God given. Everything from God is good. To accept aging, to find contemplative beauty within is the movement toward wisdom, the enjoyment, savoring, of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Acceptance, living within a Divine enfolding, moving deeper into unity, the Trinity emerges supreme, a goal for the attaining.


As every flower fades and as all youth
Departs, so life at every stage,
So every virtue, so our grasp of truth,
Blooms in its day and may not last forever.
Since life may summon us at every age
Be ready, heart, for parting, new endeavor,
Be ready bravely and without remorse
To find new light that old ties cannot give.
In all beginnings dwells a magic force
For guarding us and helping us to live.
Serenely let us move to distant places
And let no sentiments of home detain us.
The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us
But lifts us stage by stage to wider spaces.
If we accept a home of our own making,
Familiar habit makes for indolence.
We must prepare for parting and leave-taking
Or else remain the slaves of permanence.
Even the hour of our death may send
Us speeding on to fresh and newer spaces,
And life may summon us to newer races.
So be it, heart: bid farewell without end.

–Hermann Hesse

Avoiding sensationalism, halting the over-thinking of common daily activities, content with not forcing the interpretation of signs from the Holy Spirit, I was amused by an incident after entering the above concentration upon old age. Walking back from the grocery store a ghetto cruiser stopped in the middle of a turn to address me, calling out, ‘Hey young man’. I chuckled. It was my neighbor with a car load of brothers. ‘What did you think of the Cavs game? Championship all the way I’m thinking’. I smiled deeply, happy to be called a young man, easily, instantly breaking into excited basketball chat. Spiritually, psychologically, maturity ripens into an advanced age, yet the child within, detached, stills takes pleasure in roaring.


Return to Fort Wayne

The immediate unexpected presented a patience demand, wait God commands, interim, right now not to be, in the meantime not to intervene,
Imperative, essential, spiritual imposition: self-will, self-control, self-discipline,
Franciscan Father David Mary morning away, afternoon busy, no public Memorial Day mass, restrained empty church movement hushing, kneeling anew to child Mary grasping parental hands, Anna and Joachim tendering, sanctuary remembering St Joseph standing to the right,
All is remembered, a different time, a rearranged space,
Private mass for the friars and sisters, no invitation precipitates, resentments and points of view festering,
A town once for exploring, now offering the astonishing, seemingly impossible, memories accost,
Really, did it all truly happen?
Was the precocious foreigner walking these distant disheveled millennial streets, many one-way, vulnerably me?
“What happened?” awakening within a fog, a hospital bed, nurses, authoritative sounds,
Two nurses speak as one,
“The police brought you in, found blacked out in an alley”.
“You nearly caused a young lady a heart attack. Her boyfriend, driving, did not see you, yet she did, lying dead to the world, passed out in the alley”.
“She screamed in hysterics, sure her boyfriend was going to kill you”.
“Where is my scapula and cross?”
“We cut them from your body. They hang upon the cabinet”.
“They are all I have. I am so sick and tired of all this”.
The taller, stronger nurse, walks away, muttering loud enough to be heard, “You don’t even have them, around your neck they mean nothing. I am Catholic. You shame them. You were in here before. Your antics are absurd”.
Experience and happenings piling upon consciousness running upon fear, hiding impossible in this body of tears, accidents and incidents, toils and terrors, my son and family distant, far away, hiding in shame,
A reprieve from dour memories, early mass at the Cathedral, Immaculate Conception, a moment of hurting, darkness ensuing, tears flowing, love accurately caressed, necessary consequence preclusion, the void appears, my core always sheer despair and dismay,
Saigon, a duplicate name, another favorite Vietnamese restaurant, a waitress cuddling a baby, an owner the same, a different time, a different place,
Waiting, unexpectedly anticipating the reacquainting Brothers Minor, barefoot and older, trusting in God, changing while praising the Changeless, Poor Clares of another city now cloistered,
First a temporary place to stay overnight, a bed-n-breakfast, former intellectual acquaintances not home, away visiting France, another intellectual always arises, ready and talking, willing and proposing, a splendid bed to be rent, a library to be spent, posing a mini-electric grand piano stands to be captured,
Books upon books upon books upon books:
Georg Wilhelm Hegel endlessly lecturing on logic and political philosophy, Martin Luther, Sartre a many, Nietzsche even more, Kierkegaard a bore, Machiavel the ‘intellectual’ princes promenading, Heidegger, Thomas Hobbes, Kant, Freud, Jung, BF Skinner, the names never end,
Boyhood ambitions, fantasies, delusions, put to rest, cessation, wanna-be everything amidst the rejection of love, quietude, repudiation, the conclusion of desiring, living lost within worldly ambitions, a faltering brick wall dead end, upended, cast off the mast of misunderstanding,  imprisoning, resorting to a divinely downplayed supernatural finish, prayer usurping thought and written words, I am utterly exhausted,
No more. Enough.
Father forgive me.


Rainer Maria Rilke snippet

The Book of a Monk’s Life


Dost thou not see, before thee stands my soul
In silence wrapt my Springtime’s prayer to pray?
But when thy glance rests on me then my whole
Being quickens and blooms like trees in May.

When thou art dreaming then I am thy Dream,
But when thou art awake I am thy Will
Potent with splendour, radiant and sublime,
Expanding like far space star-lit and still
Into the distant mystic realm of Time.

I love my life’s dark hours
In which my senses quicken and grow deep,
While, as from faint incense of faded flowers
Or letters old, I magically steep
Myself in days gone by: again I give
Myself unto the past:—again I live.

Out of my dark hours wisdom dawns apace,
Infinite Life unrolls its boundless space ...
