Finding God in the world

“Sometimes the friendship reached white heat, as when, a few months later, Melville wrote in a mood of valediction, having learned that Hawthorne had given up the place in Lenox and was about to move back east: Whence come you, Hawthorne? By what right do you drink from my flagon of life? And when I put it to my lips-lo, they are yours and not mine. I feel that the Godhead is broken up like the bread at the Supper, and that we are the pieces.” Hence this infinite fraternity of feeling. Evoked here in the mystical language of the Eucharist, this feeling of inseparability was much more than collegial; to Melville, it was as if their minds and hearts were linked by a common network of nerves and veins. “Your heart beat in my ribs, and mine in yours,” he wrote to his dear friend, ” and both in God’s.” –Melville: His World and Work by Andrew Deblanco


Toy Boat

yellow plastic
black sea

eye-shaped shard
on a darkened map

no shores now
to arrive — or
no wind but
this waiting which
moves you

as if  the seconds
could be entered
& never left

toy boat — oarless
each wave
a green lamp

toy boat
toy leaf  dropped
from a toy tree

as if the sparrows
thinning above you
are not
already pierced
by their own names 

Voung Ocean


Contemplative Focus

Uncrowd my heart, oh God
Until Silence speaks
in your still small voice;
turn me from the hearing of words,
and the making of words,
and the confusion of much speaking,
to listening

Thomas Merton


Indulgence habituation

The pattern is repeated consistently: desire for something, followed by a choice for it, followed by a subsequent satisfaction in that choice. The momentum does not stop on its own; once activated, it returns and repeats itself. Desire is felt again for what has previously been chosen with some delight. The pattern tends to repeat itself. This is precisely the nature of all vice. Habits of repetitive sin, especially involving sensual matters, follow this pattern of a rotation through desire, indulged choice, temporary and fleeting delight, and the return again of desire. The great harm that takes place, if desires are indulged and delight is experienced in this repeated manner, is that the mind itself dulls in it’s relationship with God. The pursuit of satisfaction can dominate the soul in ways that do not necessarily involve grave sin but, nonetheless, pour sand, as it were, upon what could otherwise be a fire of longing for God. If a soul is indulging itself in attached ways in this manner, it is very unlikely to experience much desire at all for God and, therefore, little desire for prayer. And how common is this truth to this very day, even among those dedicated by a chosen profession as priests or religious to the service of God, Saint John of the Cross thus identifies a principal harm when a soul takes joy in self-centered and self-oriented delights: “dullness of mind and darkness of judgment in understanding truth and judging well of each thing as it is in itself” (AMC 3.19.3). That dullness of mind translates into a tepidity toward God and spiritual matters. –“Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation” Fr. Donald Haggerty


Purification Prayer

Jesus, pour Thy Precious Blood over me, my body, mind, soul, and spirit; my conscious and sub-conscious; my intellect and will; my feelings, thoughts, emotions and passions, my words and actions; my vocation, my relationships, family, friends and possessions. Protect with Thy Precious Blood all other activities of my life.

Lord I dedicate all of these things to Thee, and I acknowledge Thee as Lord and Master of all. Mary, Immaculate Conception, pure and holy Virgin Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, draw each of us under Thy veil; guard me and shield me against all attacks and temptations that would violate the virtue of chastity.

Lord Jesus Christ, I beg Thee for the grace to remain guarded beneath the protective mantle of Mary, surrounded by the holy briar from which was taken the Holy Crown of Thorns, and saturated with Thy Precious Blood in the power of the Holy Spirit, with our Guardian Angels for the greater glory of the Father. Amen.


Return to Toledo

Returning to a place of growing, finding solace in a Cathedral that always provides profound contemplation.
