Monthly Archives: November 2014

Fortitude a Pathway

Eucharistic Adoration

My Daily Bread
My child you will never face a greater battle than the battle against your unreasoning feelings and desires. These are your passions. They are your most stubborn and most dangerous enemies. This blind and lower self within you is so close to you that it is almost invisible to you. It tries to make you think and feel its way instead of My way. Treat this lower self as an enemy. Acts of mortification will help you to advance in self control. I will strengthen your efforts with My grace.
The fight for self control is harder than bodily or mental labors. Your lower self is more determined in pursuing what it wants than your will is, in seeking Me.
Mortification means “putting to death”. The person who wants to live more for God, must live less for his blind natural appetite and unreasoning desires. He will look to God’s holy will and follow it ever better each day. His likes and dislikes, his feelings and moods will react whenever he tries to do what is unpleasant or difficult, but he seeks to follow his intelligence regardless of feelings and moods.
Words from ‘My Daily Bread’ by Anthony Paone, S.J. of the Confraternity of the Precious Blood. The most powerful daily meditation book I have encountered.

John of the Cross quoting scripture on marriage and chastity
It would therefore be vanity for a woman or her husband to rejoice in their marriage when they know not clearly that they are serving God better thereby. They ought rather to feel confounded, since matrimony is a cause, as Saint Paul says, whereby each one sets his heart upon the other and keeps it not wholly with God. Wherefore he says: ‘If thou shouldst find thyself free from a wife, desire not to seek a wife; while he that has one already should walk with such freedom of heart as though he had her not.’ This, together with what we have said concerning temporal blessings, he teaches us himself, in these words: ‘This is certain; as I say to you, brethren, the time is short; it remaineth that they also who have wives be as if they had none; and they that weep, as them that weep not; and they that rejoice, as them that rejoice not; and they that buy, as them that possess not; and they that use this world, as them that use it not.’76 All this he says to show us that we must not set our rejoicings upon any other thing than that which tends to the service of God, since the rest is vanity and a thing which profits not; for joy that is not according to God can bring the soul no profit.7 –Ascent of Mount Carmel.

Chastity–a poem
Celebrating sanctifying grace,
Never forsaken, freely given,
Never communicating lies to another,
Ceasing errant transmissions.
Grasping delusion through imposition.
Experience cherished.
A catalyst ignites even further.
Sorrow burrows hard and heavy.
Here she comes, it’s dying time.
Take it in deeper.
Take it tough.
On in to…
On in to…
On in to…
Blossoming love.
Austere negating
Apophatic theology.
There is no God…
Starting over
Darkness of the soul whitening the inside,
Brightening the beautiful blinding blackness,
Time, accumulating, mounting for twenty plus.
Calling even further into celibacy.
Swept away my Beloved comes.
Waiting eternal He presents a void.
My Beloved screams.
Passing through the Word incarnate,
A crucifixion,
A resurrection,
An ascension.
Fulfilling fruitfully with delightful insanity.
Mysterious one discarding identity.
Left profoundly alone,
The purity of chastity transforms.
Untouched, overflowing.

St Joseph

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