Compliance on into Unification

In compliance differing, distinctions, need,
Fighting one’s self,
Willing in thought, conforming
Falling time after time, frailty,
Doing the best one can,
Bruised, bloody nose, and skinned knees,
Instincts astray, churlish,
Survival, combative through fear, cornered,
Backdrop, history playing a part,
I am all that I am, formation,
Truth within the loss of the need for identity,
To be no one,
To become one,  
Two in being lacking perfection,
The lesser becoming greater, growth,
Unification, one on into one,
Patience, practice, progress, perfection, an end,
Virtue fed by the fruits of the Holy Spirit,
Strengthened through Eucharistic adoring prayers,
Father, I love You,
Communion, a procession of devotion,
Consume and digest,
Return and kneel,
The presence behold,
Stillness and silence raging efficacious,
Halt the clever thoughts,
God has no need,
Stop the insisting,
End the desperate well-intended nonsense,
Self serving,
Quit the constant call for attention,
For everyone’s sake no more people pleasing,
Leave alone brother and sister,
No one needs your wisdom,
Enough is enough,
Faithfully, nothing more to be done, honestly,
Hopefully waiting, meritoriously breathing,
Loving divine, blood flowing, water baptizing,
What actually happened?
The compliant transformed,
Nothing done,
Being done to,
The task: a vessel made ready,
Cleansing, the obligation of self-will,
Discipline, healing, psychological renovation,
The Master concluding,
Father finishing,
Divine Will lays barren,
A lover consumed,
Wisdom devouring delusional false waywardness,
Ignorance, lacking, a hunger, hurting, longing, original sin,
Accountability, responsibility, being alive calls forth,
Eternity beckons.


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