Preferisco il Paradiso

Regarding St Philip Neri, I must pay tribute to a favorite Catholic movie Filippo Neri ‘Preferisco il Paradiso’ (I prefer heaven).  A wonderful uplifting movie that seems short in three hour plus duration.  The first time I watched the movie, I viewed the entire film in Italian, no subtitles–not understanding, yet thoroughly enjoying. In this scene, the climax of part one, St Philip Neri’s street urchins sing before the Pope.  Initially faltering, the children sweep the Pope away with their rendering of a street song, taught to them by Father Filippo Neri, praising the preferring of heaven over all things.  Stumbling upon the formality of a proper Latin hymn, overcoming the resistance–applied pressure from parents–of the wealthy, educated boys to sing their solos, they catch fire when they are able to express the love and passion for God Father Neri has taught them.  All the children sing together the song they know and love, the song they sing while working and playing, truly the soundtrack to their individual lives.  The movie wonderfully expresses a passionate priest bridging social distinctions, bringing children and parents of all social classes together within a love of Christ.  The lead boy, the youngest of the waifs, is absolutely heart piercing. He initiates the singing of the successful song.




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