Our Lady Undoer of Knots, day 7

Immaculate Virgin Mary from Whom countless graces flow for your children, the Hope of all who are afflicted, I stand before You to ask You to undo this knot (…) and also the knots that I sub-consciously have, that are the daily cause of my unhappiness, impeding me from praise, joy, and the desire to sow the seeds of goodness, but most of all, they keep me far from my God

Our Lady Undoer of Knots, pray for me!

Consider the depth and ramifications of the petition to Our Lady. We place immense trust in her wisdom and insight. She perceives us as God sees us, understanding our deepest subconscious entanglements, knowing us in ways no psychologist could, able to untie us in ways nothing earthly can. She sees us as the infant we entered the world as, as the baby crying in our imperfect earthly mother’s arms, receiving the kisses of our earthly father’s lips as a baby. We were innocent, even though tainted with original sin, and God is pure love, comprehending all. He blessed Our Holy Mother with divine insight. Consider this quote from the opening of Thomas of Celano’s biography of St Francis, keeping in mind Francis’ parents were upstanding thriving Christian parents. Pietro may get a bad rap for being materialistic, yet overall he was a loving and caring father. Contrast Brother Thomas’ words with one of the most powerful quotes of scripture following.

There was in the city of Assisi, which stands on the borders of the valley of Spoleto, a man named Francis, who from his earliest years was brought up by his parents frowardly, according to the vanity of the world, and, by long imitation of their wretched life and conduct he became himself still more vain and froward. For this wicked custom has so taken root everywhere among those who bear the Christian name, and this pernicious doctrine is everywhere so settled and established as though by public law, that men purposely bring up their children even from the cradle with excessive carelessness and laxity. For at first, when we are beginning to speak or rather to lisp, little children only just born are taught by signs and sounds certain very shameful and detestable things, and when they are weaned they are forced not only to say but even to do actions full of lust and wantonness. Being compelled by the fear which is natural to their age, not one of them dares to behave virtuously, for this subjects them to harsh punishments. Well, therefore, says a secular poet, “Because we have grown up amid our parents’ practices, therefore [even] from childhood all evils pursue us.” This witness is true, for the more fully the parents’ wishes have been realized, the more harmful is it for their children. But after all, when the children are a little older they always fall into worst conduct still, of their own impulse. For a corrupt tree grows from a corrupt root, and what has once been thoroughly depraved can scarce be brought back to the rule of uprightness. But when they have begun to enter the gates of youth what manner of persons think you that they become? Then indeed, plunging into every kind of debauchery (since they are free to fulfil all their pleasure) they give themselves over with all their might to the service of wickedness. For, having thus become by voluntary servitude the slaves of sin, they yield all their members as instruments for iniquity, and, showing forth nothing of the Christian religion in their life and conduct, shelter themselves under the mere name of Christianity.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. –Deuteronomy

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Our Lady Undoer of Knots


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