
Vince Lombardi, wisdom embodied within a football coach, stressed that a team struggling must always return to fundamentals.  The simplest aspects of the game must be reviewed, practiced, concentrated upon and engaged as the foundation of action.  The perfection of little things makes great things possible.  I feel the need to return to the fundamentals of St. John of the Cross.  I have discovered a fresh translation of ‘Ascent of Mount Carmel’ by an intriguing Jewish author Henry L. Carrigan Jr..  Fundamentals.  Pope Leo the XIII in his social justice encyclical ‘Rerum Novarum’, emphasizes that organizations, allegorically individuals, in times of strife must return to that which gave them birth.  In regards to all things, that which gives birth is God.  I right myself, placing myself back on track toward unification with God through faith, hope, and charity.

Running, preparing for Saturday’s 5K, I jogged upon a former acquaintance playing tennis at Cain Park.  I recognized her instantly, although I was wrong with her name.  She associates with a high profile lawyer I use to run with in recovery circles.  The woman is a humble devout individual, athletic and quite impressive in her demeanor and disposition.  Her and her tennis friend were obliging in conversation.  She stressed that I was welcome to return to their gatherings.  Saturday they are holding a morning discussion on an encyclical of Pope Francis.  As I walked past a second time, she hollered out the encyclical involved forgiveness, although I think it is ‘Lumen Fidei’, the Light of Faith.  I pleasantly contemplate a testing of the waters for returning to an old social world.  I am delighted how instantly I recognized the woman’s face, a joy sprouting, while easily placing an identity to her smiling continence.



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