All Ways Inspiration

Beautiful, you sit before the Eucharist,
Open heart, presenting your wounds,
Be not unwise, you are more than a worm,
Nothingness is better than laying one low,
Your faith and your hope and your love,
It is there,
Hearing the silence, creating the silence,
Presenting within austere being,
A shimmering gown of virginal white,
A hood of black hair, Lebanese in distinguished birth,
Stained interiorly, longing not to be touched, tired of the pretense,
Alone, enough is enough,
Feigning away every motion, astute in repose, detecting, dissecting,
Hiding behind strength, hiding behind might, powerful knowing,
Insight and discernment isolated weapons,
You do it so well, so much to provide, time marches on,
Sheltering, shielding, shrewdly,
Reading slow and steady,
I touch your silence,
I embrace your silence,
I touch your emptiness,
I embrace your emptiness,
I touch your fullness,
I embrace your fullness,
I touch your pain,
I embrace your pain,
I touch your rejection,
I embrace your rejection,
I touch your hardness,
I embrace your hardness,
I touch your strength,
I offer you weakness,
I touch your weakness,
I offer you strength,
I feel not your heart,
Knowing only walls,
Breathing, inhalation and exhalation,
Slow dancing,
Viscous and smooth,
Understanding it was not always that way,
Inside there is a place where once was a child,
Inside there is a place where a little girl dreamed,
Inside there is a place where Myron once lived,
Inside there is a place where God alone reigns,
Inside there is a place longing to be lived,
Inside there is a place desiring to be shared,
Inside there is a place that confidence devours,
Inside there is a place that strength knows it should surrender,
Inside there is a place emanating insomnia,
I am not allowed to touch that place,
Restricted, no permission to enter,
I could never touch you, no one will,
No one should fantasize such immense brutality,
The harsh vicious reality of the purity that is,
That was and will always be,
Heaven sent and heaven bound,
Unafraid within loneliness,
I leave alone your mysteries,
I embrace your humanity,
I leave alone knowing you,
I embrace my humanity,
I leave alone your complexities,
I embrace God,
I leave alone your defenses,
I embrace my courage,
I leave alone your secrets,
I embrace your wisdom,
I offer my faith, simple, devoid of too much,
I offer my hope, stripped of fear, lacking demand,
I offer my love, naked of will, uncovered, without dependency,
Disregarding conditions, I will never go away, God wants it that way,
Willing to be hurt, vulnerable, unaccepting rejection, allowing your will,
Permitting, graced by your mission, wounded by your wounds,
I offer a shared love of Mary,
A love for the path of perfection,
A love for the pursuit, trials, failures and victories,
A love for the mercy of salvation,
A love for the life of Jesus,
A love for the crucifixion, the witnessing of Mary, the fellowship of the beloved disciple,
A love for the mission, suffering, and death of a Divine Son and His followers,
A love for the resurrected Christ,
A love for the Universal Church,
A love for daily mass,
A love for the Eucharist,
A love for birth, life, and death,
A love for the immensity, omnipotence, omnipresence of the majestic Father,
A love for light shining within darkness,
God alone shared,
Within a community of believers and nonbelievers,
Identifying a desire for prayer, to move inward, on into stillness,
To know, to traverse, to travel together, without touching hands,
In ugliness, without shame, to be and to have,
Another together, hearts beating as one,
Natural conditions, worldly lives,
Within congestive heart failure,
Wait, patience, listen,
Death knocks upon the door,
Feel your heartbeat, know yourself,
Know the sound of your heart, feel its power, know yourself,
Comprehending, understanding, sympathetic, alone with God,
Trusting in a new way the awareness,
No other worldly sound possesses such majesty,
Your heartbeat hurts,
For me alone, it is a miracle, precious to be cherished above all worldly things,
As Myron’s heart never stops beating for you,
Your’s will never stop beating for me,
It is authentic, genuine, and true,
For me alone, your heartbeats in wonder, alive within God’s love,
A fantasy while alone with God, within a pursuit of perfection,
Being alive amidst creation, all is good, unlocked within the thought of you,
Permit, allow, open, grant permission to a return in kindness.
I desire to be a pleasant, comforting thought for you,
Simple and true, let yourself be, let me be, let everything be,
Alone together with God.


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