White as snow

We may compare the whiteness of snow to the whiteness of a pure soul because it surpasses any other whiteness, and that is true you will see in tomorrow’s Gospel (Matt 17:1-9), where it is said that Our Lord being transfigured, His clothes became ‘as white as snow’.  That shows well enough that nothing whiter can be found.  Listen to the royal psalmist David.  Lamenting before God that, through sin, his soul has become blacker than black, he entreats him Him to be pleased to wash him with His ‘hyssop’ so that by his means it will be made ‘whiter than snow’…..

Snow is obedient.  It is the divine Psalmist who declares that it is, assuring us that it does the will of God, that it obeys His word …fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling his command! . Ah! Watch it fall: It falls so gently.  See how it remains on the ground until it pleases God to send a ray of sunshine which comes to melt it and make it disappear.  Oh how obedient is the snow!  Such are the souls who dedicate themselves to the Lord, for they are supple and submit themselves absolutely to the discretion and guidance of those who command, no longer allowing themselves to be in control by the use of their own will and judgement.  —The Sermons of St Francis de Sales on Our Lady




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