The Truth is Out There

A wonderful discovery at the Maronite Monastery was a comic book, a graphic novel. Here is a link detailing the marvelous effort titled: ‘The Truth is Out There’. The profoundly in depth and educated examination of life and the search for meaning within life through reason and the artistic and intellectual skills of a contemplative monk proves rewarding. I am convinced it makes an intriguing gift for younger minds exploring the vast array of ideas assaulting through modern life inundated with the overwhelming and arrogant influence of pop culture and the failings of a broken education system. The uniqueness and captivating creativity blesses with insight into Holy Spirit inspired understanding. The creative effort lacks the need to be right, self-righteous dogma, a negative attribute I am convinced staunchly turns away young minds. It seeks to inspire and invigorate youthful brilliance rather than depress and defeat. The graphic novel possesses a penetrating intellectualism able to entertain, and if not by itself enlighten, allowing the nurturing of the seeds of faith, hope, and charity implanted at birth, a future illumination possible further upon the path of life and the never ceasing intercession of God.


A quote from the Catholic News Agency article, words and thoughts from the graphic novel creating monk Amadeus: beauty – whether made by man or God – is meant to draw us to the Creator.

“The beauty that we create is obviously taken from the beauty of nature. And the beauty of nature is a reflection of God; that’s his work. ”

“I don’t think there is a better way to draw hearts to God, to Christ. That’s where all the beautiful churches and artwork, all those things we hold in such high regard…that was inspired by the beauty of nature to return to the beauty of God.”


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