Mindful reading

To keep oneself in the presence of God, and to place oneself in the presence of God, are, in my opinion, two things: for in order to place oneself there, one ought to withdraw one’s soul from every other object, and render it actually attentive to this presence; but after one has placed oneself in it, one always keeps oneself in it, so long as, either by the understanding or by the will, one performs actions towards God: whether regarding Him, or regarding something else for the love of Him; or regarding nothing, but speaking to Him; or neither regarding Him nor speaking to Him, but simply abiding where He has placed us.  

…by willing to love Him; and, instead of setting yourself to think and ask how you can love Him, setting yourself to practice by a continual application of your soul to God; and you will arrive thither very much sooner by that road than by any other. There are souls who employ themselves so much in thinking how they shall do something, that they have not the time to do anything; and yet, in whatever regards our perfection, which consists in the union of our soul with the Divine goodness, it is not so much a question of knowing as of doing much.  –‘Practical Piety’ The Saint Francis de Sales Collection [16 Books]

St Francis de Sales



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