The Men’s Lent retreat was splendid. God is good and all giving. Many men met, building upon mature fellowship. Mr Prcela sitting in the back calling out continual recognition of Saint Joseph. ‘Joseph was the perfect man. Joseph, Jesus, and Mary. It is all in my book’. A personal reflection. In the friary, Brother Giles would wake the brothers by walking the hallways, as chamber master, calling out ‘Jesus, Joseph, and Mary’. There was a novice, Corey, an amazing young man, Down Syndrome by birth, who awoke stubbornly from sleep. Often he would explode in a defiant rebellion in response to the waking intrusion. Brother Giles gave special attention to calling directly into his cell. The humor of the moments elicited joy in the brothers, invigorating, expanding the presence and love of God. If Corey became especially vocal in his protestations none feared for the worse. It only meant, later in the day, we would witness Brother Corey take Brother Giles aside, sincerely begging for forgiveness, vowing he would check his temper in the future. Authentically, all smiles, Brother Giles would accept the apology, delighting in his heart at the reality soon another temper tantrum would rear it’s head. Fellowship in simplicity can be a blessed thing. Imperfections adored while worked upon. Grace induced upon a crowd. Today was nice. I did keep falling asleep. Waking at 5:30 after falling asleep after midnight proved taxing. Tomorrow I do not work, allowing rest. I have determined to rework my ‘Legion’ novel, various factors coming into play. Carter’s home needs attention also. He returned home last weekend. The two of us alleviating the rodent issue, lining up home repair projects that will free me from a month’s rent. Although a project beyond my scope has evolved as I am convinced there are raccoons in the attic. All in all, life is good as life advances into a deeper settling into worship within mature community. I was reflecting upon my type of moment during the men’s gathering. I wonder if I am good for Mr. Prcela. I share my devotion to Saint Joseph with him, proclaiming the grandeur of his book. He becomes animated, even more boisterous in proclaiming the unrecognized splendor of Joseph. He pursued such behavior during Father Ireland’s lecture, causing the priest to humoursly implore for St Joseph to pray that he would not be continuously interrupted while speaking.

Saint Clare