Arraigned Words

Bringing on the subtle laziness of detachment,
Everything becomes less scary,
The sun, the moon and the stars,
Immensity beyond individuality, a creature amidst creation,
It so easy when you are no longer a child being a child,
The reflections of a past forgotten on into that which can never be forgotten,
The hurt and the wounds healed amidst recovery and reception,
Walking tall leads to sitting still, why the need to move?
The appropriateness of a cool breeze and a bright-eyed aggressive cat observing longingly,
Separation lovingly, released alone on into waywardness,
All of this and heaven too,
Which ‘way’ was calling when there were so many shouts and screaming,
Declaring and announcing, arguing and debating, fighting and pretending,
Everything is quieter under the intense stare of eternity,
It’s no wonder no one gets out of here alive,
Let alone sane and stable, sound and vision perceiving precisely,
Smashed into a colorful nonbeing of sensual suspension, the powerlessness of losing a life,
See the center expanding in all directions without seeing, a point bursting forward amidst many,
Tendencies exploding, dispositions dispensing, practice and peace guiding, only three remain,
Anger, thrashing, vice and sinfulness weighing heavily, a moth on into a flame,
Moment by moment the vibrations encircle one another advancing before dispersing,
On into nothingness and not knowing another begins,
An end leads to a beginning, a beginning follows an end,
A Savior resurrected, assumed to the right hand,
Who can bring a weeping angel into the equation?
It takes an outside force to bring about cessation,
A providing mother gracing preparation and presentation,
Mathematically figuring not the force of the Paraclete,
Infusion and grace, non-effort imprinting, dragged through a wilderness of quietness,
Assuming the bigger better things are best not to presume,
Many uncertain smiles and apprehension muddled within faith, hope, and charity,
A Paris café and music dancing, trying to find adventure,
The sky blue with clouds meandering filled with blasts of chirping,
Tango sounding from the ghetto, three stepping on without worldly intention,
You were so wise when you were young and confused,
Now blissfully dumb it’s easy to scratch the scars from your face,
Healing on into emptiness, tears erase.


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