Rocky River kayak
This is a photo of me, convinced it is spiritually healing to post it. I despise and fear photos of myself. Once a Trappist monk in Missouri took a photo of me. He was proud of the photo, showing it to me. I said ‘no’, forcing the color image he printed out to be discarded into a trash can. The monk became upset with how consternated I became. He scolded me, ‘Jim you must accept yourself, to be honest and at peace with your physical appearance. You look nice in the photo. Your reaction when being confronted with yourself is spiritually negative, a damaged and disturbed psyche. It is ugly. You are not ugly. Look at yourself and accept yourself’. The Trappist monk would be proud I gathered the courage to post the photo. The significant other deserves credit for the advancement also. I laugh and observe the photo, stammering ‘look it’s me’.