The quality in our relations with our fellowmen which, says Saint Thomas, immediately disposes us to the life of vision is love of peace. And why? Because the life of vision (contemplative life)—is incompatible with agitation. You cannot adore God in self oblivion, you cannot, ”cast all your cares away,” during prayer, if you are tossed about on a sea of worries and solicitudes about external things, nor can you if you are not yet at peace within the mind itself because of a lack of complete identity of personal will with Divine Will (obstinance and immaturity inflicting blindness). “Wisdom,” says Saint Augustine, “is to the peace lovers, in whom there is no movement of rebellion, but obedience to Reason.” But wisdom is the end.
…wisdom reduces the manifold of life to God, and therefore makes things intelligible as a unity…the vision, the intuition or awareness, of all things in all their concreteness, their goodness and beauty as well as their truth; above all, you need some degree, at least, of direct knowledge of the nature of God; and when you have that vision in its plenitude, able to see all things in Him and Him in all things—and at the same time the wisdom which judges all things in the light of the highest of all causes, the Cause of all Being Itself, then you have wisdom, the fullest and deepest perception; seeing things as it were with the eyes of God, then you share something of the peace of God.
….supreme wisdom is “from above” (infused), given to those who have the humility and the docility to receive it; it is given to those who have learned to be as little children…it is the joy, peace, and exhilaration of learning from love. –Father Gerald Vann ‘The Divine Pity’

Father Gerald Vann
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