Restraint of understanding within Prayer

Since I have not worked on this book for several days, I have forgotten much of what I was saying to you.  However, I won’t dwell on those matters much, and I won’t worry too much about making connections in this chapter to things I’ve already written.  If you have an orderly mind and are able to practice prayer in great solitude, you will benefit a great deal from the many books on prayer written by more competent people than I.  There are books that describe the mysteries and the Passion of the Lord in short passages, one for each day of the week.  There are meditations on the Judgement, on Hell, on our own nothingness, and all we owe to God.  These books contain helpful teachings as well as excellent methods for using well your time of prayer.  If anyone already has the habit of practicing prayer in this way, the Lord will lead her to the harbor of light.  If she begins well, she will also end well.  Everyone who walks along the road will walk restfully and securely, for one always walks restfully when she restrains her understanding.   –‘The Way of Perfection’ Teresa of Avila



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