Here we come to the lovely prayer of wonder: the still, wordless gaze of Adoration, which is proper to the lover. You are not talking, not busy, not worried or agitated; you’re not ask anything: you are quiet, you are just being with, and there is love and wonder in your heart. This prayer is indeed a beginning of beatitude; for the heart is filled and content simply to be—and its being is all Adoration. You find some hint of this utterly serene but utterly humble sense of infinity in some of the greatest music, in some of Bach….or Beethoven of the last quartets, or again in Johann Wolfgang vonn Goethe’s Gannymede. You find it in the music of the Mass, when the Alleluia traces its pattern of sound on the last vowel, saying nothing yet saying everything. You find it expressed in words of the Apostle Thomas, abashed at his unbelief: My Lord and My God. –Father Gerald Vann ‘Divine Pity’

Father Gerald Vann