An appeal to Heaven

Follow up visit with the hand doctor revealed my fingertip trouble was a staph infection. The doctor attributes a second degree chemical burn for the severity, yet I am not sure. There was no initial burn, simply irritation that exploded the day after the suspected incident. Regardless, slow in happening, recovery is occurring. The sensitivity of the fingertip is painfully raw, unexpected contact paralyzing. The appearance has improved, still the magnitude is obvious. The blood blisters, relieved of puss, blood, and swelling, have left behind a dead layer of covering skin. Drainage still occurs, at times pouring forth. God is good and all giving. The weekend proved pleasant in acquaintance. The significant other’s brother visited from Connecticut, driving back east after a visit in Wisconsin with the oldest sister. I am left with a lingering impression of restraint of personality, simplicity refining through grace. Previously, the brother annoyed a bit in second-hand description with the talk of his incredible intellect, academic excellence. Meeting him, I encountered a quiet man, unassuming, content and pleased with the smaller things of life. He spoke little of himself, although top secret operations, submarines, and worldly travel colored his sparse voicing of personal endeavors. His lack of words, his calm and cool disposition, spoke louder than the multitude of words many boisterous individuals are willing to bombard upon those God positions in their life. Visiting the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, the four of us enjoyed the plants, butterflies, and critters. We also enjoyed Lolly the Trolly, touring downtown on a historical bus, learning about the locale and individuals from founding years. Saturday night, reflected back upon decades gone by with the viewing of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic ‘The Trouble With Harry’. Everything settles nicely into the advancement of my spiritual life through the easing and comfort of a personal life with quality individuals able of caring and extending kindness, a simple and pleasant approach to a refined life, abandoning selfishness, extremeness, and unwarranted dependency upon utilizing faith through personal inadequacies. Sunday morning, following Mass at St Stephens, the four of us visited with a niece, exploring the Christian group home she lives in. Led by a married couple mentoring, populated by a handful of young ladies, the small community embraces an intense daily life of prayer and scripture, committed to revealing and exercising the will of God within their lives. The niece was excited to have visitors, glowing while sharing her passionate and fruit inducing life. She pointed out the significance of the flag flying on their front porch, and also hanging in her bedroom, explaining it was the flag flown by the troops of George Washington during the Revolutionary War. It is getting late, not sure where I am going, forsaking all efforts, resorting to silence.



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