
Shiny allurement harboring idle hours, extraneous entertainment,
Pebbles scattered beneath the rushing flow of a mountain stream, movement and inertia,
Flowing purposefully without knowing, gravity eroding, water transferring, external excitation,
All things onto themselves, the image and likeness reserved for responsibility, dreams and occupations, careers and destinations,
Beads of a Rosary majestically throwing roses at Our Lady’s feet, conversely tossing grenades, knowing life during wartime, packed up and ready to go,
Passing through fingertips while reciting, quiet and still, a space within a space creatively unfolding, a raging battle ensues,
Centered upon expansion increasing attention, diffusion erased, amassing essential, entirety within totality, a monotonous refrain,
Unification erasing a sense of the immense divide, a moment in time, hung upon simple words, a harmonious roar from a concealed song,
A return to a heartbeat, the call of the wild, blood pumping through veins,
Kindness and gentleness within diversity, desires, and proclamations, commitments attached to not always starting anew, reflecting while persisting,
Diffusion, dispersion, spreading out recklessly, incited by boredom, weakness, and vain, helpless, helpless, helpless amidst floundering steps,
Unending to the end, imperfection cultivates subtly upon awareness, grace the grand endeavor, a hand reaching down from the sky, blood pouring forth from the wounds of the Cross.
Helpless, helpless, helpless on into…


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