A Life Amongst Many

Left alone, unaided in effort, abandoning ambition, rain drops infusing,
A voice chanting within the lasting body of earthily creation, a call,
One amongst many living and deceased, revealing depravation, ceaseless cessation,
An example within a reflection lacking self-consciousness, a habit hood pulled over the head, disappearing,
Mediocrity pronounced, salvation defined, perfection announced within unification,
Reality usurping chatter, noisy dispositions, no dispensations, a war without wage, hidden amidst orders,
For All is the same within individuality, returning to the center, wandering deserted, the prodigal son returns,
One Son eternal, a Father patient, loving, and kind, a Dove descending,
Walking solitary down a darkened cloister hall, fluted columns to the left and right, silent in witness,
Desert settling, boundaries pronounced, lines of demarcation plotted about, points of contemplation planted as seeds,
Day after day starting anew, stripped bare to the bone and still bleeding, the body remains, a soul imperfect,
The heart beats as the mind surrenders, the will renders relation, stubborn and old, fighting the whole way,
In little ways, nothing great accomplished, nothing superior established, nothing done in magnificence,
Home bound, distinction and division soothed away, attrition the lessening, no hope of papal ascension,
Argument and debate silenced, willing to be forgotten, willing no longer, religious aspirations and reputation erased,
Religious authority embraced, sacrificing exceptional performance, lowly within the center of hierarchy,
A Carthusian monk sits alone with his brothers, alive and awake in Christ.



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