On the contrary, the soul lives in the flesh and communicates itself to the flesh, which receives from it the life by which it lives. So the soul, through a higher love, lives neither in itself nor in God, because it does not love itself either in itself or in God. Rather God alone lives in it, because it does not love itself in itself or in God, but only loves God in Himself. Let us rise still higher. The human soul lives because life lives in it. But it does not live in itself, for the soul has no life in itself, as God has. Moreover it does not live in life, because it has no other life by which it lives than life itself: only life lives in it. Thus, the soul lives by love: but it does not live in itself, nor does it live in God, nor does God live in it. Rather God alone lives in God, and the soul lives by the very fact that it is transformed in God, when it loves neither itself in itself, nor itself in God, nor God in itself, but only God in God.[228] These words are a constantly recurring refrain, the key to the whole eremitic mystery: “God alone in God. Solo Dio in Dio.” –Dom Jean Leclercq ‘God Alone with God’