By Domincan Father Francis A. Gafney, OP
Lepanto marks the spot of victory,
Over crescent cruel and strong, by forces weak,
Of hallowed cross; of which, “if sign you seek,”
Tis not of man but a Divinity,
The white-robed Pius Fifth the Rosary
Uplifted like the rod of Moses, meek;
Whilst Ottoman on Christians wrath would wreak
And, as of old, engulfed them in the sea.
O Lady of the Rosary today,
Thy clients all beseech thee, hear their prayer,
And beg the Christ Who raging storms did quell,
Bid warring nations cease their bloody fray;
His power and thine honor, we declare;
O Thou All-Fair, thou joy of Israel.

Cervantes at the Battle of Lepanto