Love as prayer

Francisco de Osuna taught that love is within the scope of every human being. So, then, is prayer. For prayer is an act of love. Teresa speaks of prayer as a loving conversation, yet one in which words are not essential. As she well knew, in sickness or distress of mind not only words but thoughts become impossible. Yet, even then, prayer is not excluded. The afflictions, whether of mind or body, become an offering of love. All that is needed is the will to love. Nor are those debarred from prayer whose thoughts are a turmoil of doubts and distractions, like horses that will not be disciplined. No matter how great the turmoil, persons so afflicted, if their will is set upon God, can find in the depths of the soul at a level untouched by the senses a pool of peace. These, moreover, far from being worse off than others who are lifted to the heights of contemplation, are to be envied, sheltered as they are from the temptation to arrogance, from delusion and deception. They love without visible reward for their loving, proving their love in the darkness of humility. They are like the little donkeys that with eyes covered draw the water-wheel, not knowing the service they are doing their master. ‘A Journey in Spain: Saint Teresa’ Elizabeth Hamilton

Storks of Spain


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