Sunday offering

I have discovered a prospering parish, marvelous in participation and devotion: St Albert the Great in North Royalton. The Church has five Sunday Masses, immense attendance, and an Adoration chapel warm in presence—prayerful and plentiful. Abounding, a young priest spoke in his Homily of enjoying the first opportunity of baptizing a family member. After the sacrament, the family gathered in celebration. The priest rounded up the youngest of his nephew and nieces. He wanted to explore their thoughts on Baptism. Within the process, he asked the children if they thought their beloved infant relative would now go to heaven since he was baptized. A young girl answered, “No, you have to be really old to go to heaven.” Once the laughter of the collected diminished, the priest thought to himself the child said something wise. Sanctifying grace took time. A lifetime. Throughout our lives God was constantly building. Grace takes time. Unspoken, to grow old is an opportunity, love awaiting within the diminishing. The priest elaborated. ‘Sanctifying Grace takes time’ enlightened certain concerns regarding my life. Here is a hymn from the current bulletin.


Not that you need this invitation, not that you wait for my permission, still this is my humble contrition: please, break my heart, O God, with what breaks your heart, O God. Please, break my heart.

Not just some empty repletion, no, this is my sincere confession: that I need so much more compassion. Please, break my heart, O God, with what breaks your heart, O God. Please, break my heart.

For the sick, for the poor, for the ones who need most tenderness and justice, break my heart. For the lost, for the lame, for those suffering in pain, help me see you in each face through a broken heart.


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