
I attended a marvelous lecture by the French religious priest, Community of the Beatitudes, Jacques Philippe. His presence is charming, a notable disposition of a man of prayer. He is the author of many books, including ‘Interior Freedom’. The priest celebrated Mass, then spoke for a lengthy period through a translator. I took six weeks off from work, during December and January, establishing strong fellowship at a new Church. The congregation is active, the Parrish priest organizing many Catholic groups of devotion: Legion of Mary, the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, Opus Dei men’s Holy Hour, Companions of the Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood, A Holy Face devotional Holy Hour, a Blue Army Rosary group—the traditionalist leaning Church has brought my faith to a higher level. I am enjoying social evenings of communal dining, friendship centered squarely upon faith. hope, and charity. I am pleased.  https://frjacquesphilippe.com/about


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