Self-will, self-placation,
I want to do what I want to do,
I’ll do it right now,
I desire the soft and easy path,
Slothful, lazy, biding my time,
Downtime, feeding my appetites,
Staying nowhere, stagnate,
Spiritual dissipation, slowly,
Drifting away, inconsistency,
Allowing the world,
And demons to win,
Habituation arising from neglect,
Comfort and ease, lukewarm,
Pulling the covers up over my head,
Distraction, overworked and tired,
Hitting the snooze button,
Seeking a bit more sleep,
Surrendering to a subtle death.
Monthly Archives: February 2020

Unpleasantness Until Consent
I rebel against who I am.
Negative reaction, instinct,
Dishonesty, self-absorbed,
Inability to cope,
Emotions and feelings,
Desperate, despairing,
Delusion, self-esteem,
Romantic flight from reality,
Futile, unfriendly, casting about,
I rebel therefore I am,
Increasing wrongs,
Decreasing remedies.
Stepping back, impatient,
Breathing space, insubordination,
Waiting hungry, tired, and cold,
Unwashed, somewhat slightly dazed,
Resignation, no offense,
Lacking hope, isolation,
Minimize aggression, cessation,
Beyond rebellion,
Powerlessness, progress,
A frown not enough,
Sadness penetrating, purgative,
Sterile, stagnate, pregnant.
Consent, positive arising,
Interior attitude transformed,
Both the good and the bad,
The ugly recognized, revealed,
Psychic change, weakness,
Hope blossoming,
Roots revealed, upended,
Flowering within suffering,
Sacrifice and mortification,
Sanctuary, the Church, consecration,
The saints and guardian angels,
God loves, trust emerges.

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