Mediocre Morning, a Good Morning

Nothing. Nothing. I bring nothing to the table. Nothing.
Skinned knees and weariness, a heart and a smile,
A breeze reading Bukowski, an aftermath after math,
Logical deduction, a postal worker, precision, accuracy,
and application. Left behind in a calming expansion
brought around…decades enduring; faith, hope, and charity,
A reduction, remnants within able to dispense, to dissipate,
to dissect myself reveling within the crowd, a full moon,
The rising sun, a new friend, Peter’s son floating down
The Jordan. A river from the Galilee to the Dead Sea.
Millenniums passing, more than a friend, a modern conundrum,
Here I stand. Here I sit. Here I think. Here I am. Here I let go.
Here I breathe. Here I recede. Here I pray. Here I meditate.
Here I am able to be loved. Unbound, untied, untangled in love.


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