Monthly Archives: August 2022

Columbia: a pilgrimage destination, Ecuador a short jaunt south

Quito Ecuador April 2018 This statue represents the Virgin of Panecillo. It is located on the top of the omonymous hill in Quito. It was built in 1976 by Pablo Vega.

Prayer to St Benedict
Prayers of Deliverance and Exorcism to St. Benedict:
The Litany of St. Benedict
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Pray for us
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Holy Father, Saint Benedict,
Father most reverend,
Father most renowned,
Father most compassionate,
Man of great fortitude,
Man of venerable life,
Man of the most holy conversation,
True servant of God,
Light of devotion,
Light of prayer,
Light of contemplation,
Star of the world,
Best master of an austere life,
Leader of the holy warfare,
Leader and chief of monks,
Master of those who die to the world,
Protector of those who cry to thee,
Wonderful worker of miracles,
Revealer of the secrets of the human heart,
Master of spiritual discipline,
Companion of the patriarchs,
Equal of the prophets,
Follower of the Apostles,
Teacher of Martyrs,
Father of many pontiffs,
Gem of abbots,
Glory of Confessors,
Imitator of anchorites,
Associate of virgins,
Colleague of all the Saints,
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
Intercede for us, O holy father Saint Benedict,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray: Oremus
O God, Who called us from the vanity of the world, and Who incites us to the reward of a heavenly vocation under the guidance of our holy patriarch and founder, Saint Benedict, inspire and purify our hearts and pour forth on us Your grace, that we may persevere in You. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
St. Benedict’s Medal Prayer
“The Holy Cross be my light,
May the dragon never be my guide.
Get away, Satan!”
Never tempt me with your vanities!
What you offer me is evil,
Drink the poison yourself!”
Prayer to St. Benedict to Ward Off Evil Spirits
“In the name of God the Father Almighty, through the intercession of St. Benedict, keep away from me and my loved ones, evil spirits; Good spirits, shield us against them! Malign spirits, you inspire wrong thoughts to men, malicious spirits, liars, you lead them into deception. mocking spirits, you play with human’s credulity. I reject you with all the power of my soul, and I close my ears to your suggestions. I call upon me the Mercy of God; Good spirits, I implore you, assist me in this battle. Give us the strength to resist evil influences; shine your light on the snares of evil spirits, keep us from pride and arrogance. Good spirits, do not let jealousy, hatred, malevolence, or any feeling other than love grow in our hearts, for these feelings open the doors to the Spirit of Evil. Amen.

The Living Flame of Love
O living flame of love
that tenderly wounds my soul
in its deepest center! Since
now you are not oppressive,
now consummate! if it be your will:
tear through the veil of this sweet encounter!
O sweet cautery,
O delightful wound!
O gentle hand! O delicate touch
that tastes of eternal life
and pays every debt!
In killing you changed death to life.
O lamps of fire!
in whose splendors
the deep caverns of feeling,
once obscure and blind,
now give forth, so rarely, so exquisitely,
both warmth and light to their Beloved.
How gently and lovingly
you wake in my heart,
where in secret you dwell alone;
and in your sweet breathing,
filled with good and glory,
how tenderly you swell my heart with love.
St John of the Cross

St Teresa of Avila passing
He (St John of the Cross) arrived one night, and our mother (St Teresa of Avila) died on the morrow. It was as though she had been waiting for her beloved son. Over her last days she barely had the strength to fetch her breath. No sooner did she set eyes on him however, than the tension in her features ebbed away and her visage filled with joy. She could not say more than a few words. But what she did say before she breathed her last meant all the world to us. What Fray Juan said to her was also of great beauty. My wife and I, and one or two neighbors who were with us to help her in her hour of death, were all enraptured. When she died, we all fell to weeping with grief. Yet Fray Juan stood very still by her side. And when I looked into his eyes I saw they were dry.
“Why do you not weep, brother?”‘ I said through my tears. “Would it not comfort your soul?
“Why would I weep when I have just seen her going up to Heaven?” he replied.
He was very sure of this. Indeed, the only reason he allowed us to hold a funeral was so as not to give rise to idle talk, for she had no need of one. I was struck by the vision of which he had spoken. And I could not help asking him what Heaven was like.
To this he did not reply, either then or subsequently. He did speak about hell, but of Heaven he would not speak. It was the same with La Madre, who once had a terrifying vision of hell. But of Heaven she would say nothing…..
As I say, neither La Madre nor my brother presumed to speak of Heaven, it being a thing so ineffable that they could find no words for it. And it is said that something of the kind befell Saint Thomas Aquinas. After a lifetime attempting to explain God, he had a vision of God that rendered him so speechless that all he could say about his great work was that it was straw.
Fire of Love: A Historical Novel about Saint John of the Cross by Jose Luis Olaizola

Christ’s words to a friend being formed into a lover
Follow your own road without fearing you’ll lose me. You will find me when you return, even if you’re a thousand years late.
Since your weak and you let life push you around, go wherever it pulls you. Why struggle if you’ll only struggle in vain.
I will be strong for you. I will build a mountain with your failures and sit atop the peak waiting for you.
Don’t worry. The night won’t frighten me and the cold won’t drive me away. There is no winter as cold as my winter, no night as deep as my night. I myself freeze the wind. I myself darken the sky.
Follow your road. While I wait for you. I will be immovable. Like a boulder. Or better yet. Like a tree (cross) clutching the earth with a savage fury.
‘Absolute Solitude’ Dulce Maria Loynaz

Aftermath of an escape
The chirurgeon (surgeon), who, although a morisco [Moorish convert], was an illustrious physician, confided to me that my charge (St John of the Cross) was at death’s door and had been so for some time. Grievous harm had been done to him. When I told the Venerable Fray Juan (St John of the Cross) of this, he replied that those who have yet to fulfill their obligations to Our Lord Jesus Christ do not die. And he said he still had some work to do before going to meet his Maker. Nor did he die then, though there were times when I thought he was on the point of doing so. The dried sardines he had been fed on in prison had rotted his stomach and made him bilious. There were times when he could not even keep down milk, only some stewed pears that were sent from the convent. Yet despite his infirmity, he was never too sick or too tired to pick up his pen and work on some verses he had written in prison, going over them again and again until he was satisfied. Of these I can recall “The Spiritual Canticle” and “The Dark Night”, which I would often read in the evening to the mutual benefit of our souls. If there is anything on which I can fault him it is in this, that now and then, he stood a little in want of modesty as to his skill as a poet. But he would presently become sensible of it and repent, on occasion to excess. Once he went so far as to fear that it was all vain and foolish nonsense and told me he had a good mind to tear it up. I replied that if he did, I would give him up to the Calced so that they might teach him humility and truthfulness. He obeyed me. Nor could he have done otherwise, for during that time I was his confessor, there being no other. And without breaching the confidentiality of the confessional, I can divulge that no monastery ever surpassed the devotion that reigned in my house during those months. Besides the coachmen and grooms, my household consisted of a pair of maidservants, a doorkeeper and her niece, and another two or three servants. Some of them knew who my guest was. Others did not. But none of them would have denounced him-not out of respect for me, but because of the devotion he inspired in them. We celebrated Mass in a small oratory in the west wing. And when it fell to Fray Juan to officiate, my servants would quarrel about whose turn it was to attend, whereas if I was the celebrant, I had to remind them that it was Sunday or a feast day. He confided to me that during his imprisonment he had felt the deprivation of the Eucharist more keenly than that of food and that the Consecration was now attended by many special favors from the Lord. On one occasion, as he raised the Host, we saw him rise a little way off the ground. But he denied this, saying that we had imagined it and that on no account were we to speak of it.
When he heard that the troubled waters between the Calced and the Discalced were calm once more, he told me it was time to go. He set off for Almodóbar, where a chapter had been convoked for the month of October of the same year, 1578. I did my best to persuade him to stay, his health as yet being only slightly improved. He replied that his only reason for doing something as unseemly as to escape from prison by sliding down a rope had been so that he might play his part in the Reform of the Order. In view of this, he could not in good conscience pass up such an opportunity. I felt his departure keenly. And, but for my advanced years and the attractions of a life of ease, to which I had become too accustomed, I would have followed him.
Fire of Love: A Historical Novel about Saint John of the Cross by Jose Luis Olaizola

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