Learning through imperfections

Therefore, since God in a certain way wills that I should have committed sins, I cannot wish that I had not committed them, for thus it is that God’s will is done ‘on earth, which is to say in misdeeds, as it is in Heaven, which is to say in right doing. Therefore such a person desires to renounce God for the sake of God and to be free of God for God’s sake, which is the sole true repentance of our sins, and so we grieve at our sins without grief, just as God grieves at evil but without grief. I know regret, and the greatest regret, on account of sin, since I would not wish to sin for all that is or can be created…yet my regret is free of grief, and I accept and receive it in and from God’s will. Only this kind of grieving at sin is perfect, for it comes from and originates in pure love of the purest goodness and joy of God. Thus what I have said in this little book becomes true and is seen to be true, namely that a good person, in so far as they are good, enters into the very property of goodness itself, which God is in Himself. —Meister Eckhart


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