How God renders this soul attentive to prayer, replying to one of the above-mentioned petitions.
THEN the Eternal God, turning the eye of His mercy upon this granting her requests, proceeded to satisfy the last petition, which she had made concerning His promise, saying, “Oh! best beloved and dearest daughter, I will fulfill thy desire in this request, in order that, on thy side, thou mayest not sin through ignorance or negligence; for a fault of thine would be more serious and worthy of graver reproof now than before, because thou hast learnt more of My truth; wherefore apply thyself attentively to pray for all rational creatures, for the mystical body of the Holy Church, and for those friends whom I have given thee, whom thou lovest with particular love, and be careful not to be negligent in giving them the benefit of thy prayers, and the example of thy life, and the teaching of thy words, reproving vice and encouraging virtue according to thy power.
The Dialogs of St Catherine of Seina