We must acknowledge ourselves incapable of praying of ourselves, and invoke the Holy Ghost.- O Lord, I am not of myself capable of having a good thought, but my sufficiency is from Thee. I am not able to concentrate my thoughts if Thou dost not control them, nor to raise my heart to Thee, unless Thou dost attract it; nor to love Thee, if Thou dost not inflame me; nor to form a good resolution, still less to put it in practice, if Thou dost not give me “to will and to accomplish.” I renounce, therefore, my own thoughts, which are not capable of guiding me aright as to what concerns my salvation, and my own affections, which are wont to tend towards evil Come, then, O Divine Spirit, have compassion on my indigence, I abandon myself to Thee, in order that, illuminated, moved and guided by Thee, I may make my meditation well; come, enlighten my intelligence, inflame my heart and convert my will, that my prayer may contribute to Thy glory and to my own spiritual advancement. –“The Ways of Mental Prayer” by Dom Vitalis Lehodey